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敷设在室内,隧道,电缆沟,管道等固定场合。Flaying indoor, in tunnels, ducts, conduit etc.

她学会了自己给房子拉接电线、敷设水管。She learned to wire and plumb the house herself.

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通过敷设电缆桥架进行配电。Specific supply will be done through cable trays.

敷设在室内,隧道,电缆沟,管道等固定场合。For laying indoor, in tunnels, ducts, conduit etc.

与AIS相连的信号电缆敷设过长。The signal cable connected with the AIS is too long.

所有配电电缆在桥架内敷设。All main distribution cables will travel on cable tray.

增加的空间因素槽的电缆敷设。Increase in the space factor of chutes for the cable laying.

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水箱和屋顶都需要敷设严密的保温层。Water tanks should be well lagged and the roof well insulated.

电缆敷设时环境温度应不低于-10℃。The ambient temperature under installation should not below -10℃.

一根或二根单芯电缆不允许敷设在铁质管道中。Remark One or two singal-core cable not allowed laying in iron pipe.

本工程均为吊顶明管敷设和暗管敷设。Surface conduit and recessed conduit will be adopted in the project.

电力电缆一般是敷设于专门的电缆隧道和土壤中。Generally power cables laid in a special cable tunnel or in the soil.

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二次线敷设于尺寸宽裕的线槽内,容易接线。Secondary wire is laid in ample wirecasing , which allows easy wiring.

它既适用于动力电缆的安装,也适用于控制电缆的敷设。It is used for power cable installation and also for laying control cable.

适合管道,槽道,电缆沟,架空,直埋等敷设方式。Suitable for pipe, channel, cable trenches, aerial, direct burial and so on.

阐述了室内给排水管道敷设时的一些观点。Have explained some views while laying for the drainage pipeline in the room.

思路清晰,把电气器具点分组,一条一条地敷设,不多穿,不漏穿。The clear, the electric appliances point group, a laying, not wear, no leakage.

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敷设方案适用于盐渍土地区输油输气管道施工。This plan is suitable for oil and gas pipeline construction in salty soil area.

绝缘线芯分色,为敷设安装提供方便。Insulation wire core color separation, installation convenience for installation.

在供热管道敷设中,需每隔一段距离安装一个补偿器。It is needed to install a compensator every other distance in the heating pipeline.