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不带女伴的男人在海湾是危险的敌人。A stag at bay is a dangerous foe.

瑙西卡和她的女伴们在玩球。Nausikaa and her maids play ball.

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第三,他的女伴穿的像条蛇一样。Third, his date was dressed as a snake.

同时领有两个女伴侣永恒也欠好。It is never ok to have two girlfriends at the same time.

每次舞毕以后,应但陪送女伴回到她的座位去。Always escort a woman back to her seat after dancing with her.

那就是他一直没有再婚,也没有追求女伴的原因。It's why he never married again, never courted female company.

今天我抉择开二十个小时的车去见女伴侣。Today, I decided to visit my girlfriend who lives 20 hours away.

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还有一些摘掉面纱的妇女挽着女伴的胳膊散步。Many unveiled women promenading on the arms of their male friends.

这也完全适用于你的女伴的着衣选择。This can be also applied to dress choices for your accompanying girls.

芙拉还有两个女伴,雅斯敏和娜达,她们的发色稍浅。Fulla also has two female friends, Yasmine and Nada, with lighter hair.

我想一旦开始后,你可不愿你的宝贝女伴摔的狼狈不堪。Once you get going, you don’t want your gal sliding all over the place.

当女王发现她最好的女伴,居然和披着狼皮的羊在一起。And when a queen discovers her best maiden Is with a dragon in disguise.

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吃罢晚饭,皮埃尔带着他的女伴跟随其他来客步入客厅。Pierre took his lady in behind the rest from supper to the drawing-room.

五郎回来了,报告大家蝴蝶和女伴们来到。Goro now returns, announcing the arrival of Butterfly and her companions.

现在Wendy与她的爱尔兰女伴Sive已经在一起生活了七年。Now Wendy lives with her partner of seven years, an Irish woman named Sive.

一名学生的母亲称,她从她女儿及教师女伴处闻得此事。A student's mom said she heard from both her daughters and one of the teacher chaperones.

“他们惩罚我的女儿——她通过告诉我她所见的而做了正确的事情——但是对当时坐在校车前排、应监督孩子们的8名年长女伴却没有做任何处理”,桑德拉说。Roundtree said she had to tell her daughter about the punishment when she got home from school Friday.

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我们唯一的女伴尹工尤为出色,当时真担心她会哭。Mrs. Yin, our only lady there behaved particularly well, so that we stopped worrying that she wouldl cry.

正如愤怒的酒神女伴一样,愤怒的特洛波斯阉割了,这希冀成为伟大诗人的人。Like the furious Bacchae, the furious Atropos emasculates the man who dares to aspire to poetic greatness.

特别是在你的名誉遭受质疑,你的朋友或者女伴遭受侮辱的时候。This is especially true when your reputation is called into question, or your friends or date is insulted.