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独片门、开启容易、密闭性佳。One-panel door , easy to open and close.

验证手机结构密闭性。Validate the frame obturation of the handset.

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气冷式,单段式,全密闭式压缩机。Air-cooled, one stage, totally hermetic compressor.

以防万一,将它们储存在密闭冷藏袋吧。As a precaution, put them in an airtight freezer bag.

我恐惧密闭的空间,尤其是黑暗的空间。I was scared of confined spaces and especially the dark.

把它们搅匀直到蓬松,储存在密闭容器中。Mix until fluffy, and then store in a covered container.

双速压力泵更有利于浴槽密闭循环使用。Baths include a two-speed pump for closed loop applications.

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最后,将太妃糖放在密闭容器中,在冰箱里存储一周时间,就可以了。Store in an airtight container in refrigerator up to 7 days.

脱粒的湿玉米可以安全地贮存在密闭的贮藏设备里。Wet-shelled corn can be safely stored in air-tight storage units.

物料是在密闭容器中进行混合、无粉尘飞扬。Materials are mixed in the airtight container, without dust flying.

拿一个密闭容器并移入您的面粉放置于冰箱中。Grab an airtight container and plant your flour in the refrigerator.

文章就如何对密闭巷道内的瓦斯进行抽排作浅显论述。In the article, how to draining gas in closed roadways is expounded.

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戴个人防护处理。将泄露物收集在可密闭容器中。Put on safeguard while managing. Collect leaks in airtight container.

贮藏用的高山茶茶叶罐最好为不透明之密闭容器请安心饮用。Using the unviable jar will be the best, then can feel free to drink.

罐装辣椒启封以后,最好在密闭容器内冷藏,这样可以保存五天。After opening, refrigerate in an airtight container for up to five days.

罐装辣椒启封以后,最好在密闭容器内冷藏,这样可以保存五天。Most dried chiles will keep indefinitely if stored in a cool, dry place.

手动密闭闸阀主要由把手、阀体、插板、锁紧螺钉、密封装置等部件组成。The valve is mainly made up of handle, body, disc, locknut and seal etc.

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不断提高密闭容器内气体的温度,会使气体内的压力不断增大。We might put a sealed container of water in a constant-temperature bath.

泡沫树脂是一种新型安全填充密闭材料。Foaming resin is a kind of new seal-filling material used in mine safety.

禁止使用明火加温或在密闭状态下熔解漆料。Prohibit using a direct fire or liquating paint under airtight condition.