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她把它比作发型的延展。She likens them to hair extensions.

延展?拒绝?Are they stretched? Are they rejected?

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北京的势力能从陆地和海上延展到多远?How Far Can Beijing Reach on Land and at Sea?

用一位解经家的话说﹐这是恩典的延展。In one commentator's words, it is the reach of grace.

皮革可以延展并适应你的脚形。Leather breathes and adapts to the shape of your foot.

因此我们称之为延展基极结构。For that reason, we call it an extended-base structure.

听说过延展强度吗?胡克定律?Ever hear of te ile strength? Hooke's Law of Elasticity?

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他们强迫我把易延展的金属打至成盔甲。I'm forced to pound and shape ductile metals into armor.

因为如果想做延展,你必须拥有物质。Because, if wherever you have extension, you have matter.

听说过延展强度吗?胡克定律?Ever hear of tensile strength? Hooke's Law of Elasticity?

要么富有弹性和延展力,要么彻底被打碎。It is either elastic with full resistance or destruction.

上图为拉各斯一条拥挤的街道向地平线延展。Above, a congested street in Lagos sprawls to the horizon.

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自一九八一年起,发展工程已延展至马鞍山。Since 1981, development works have been extended to Ma On Shan.

用33年辛劳,延展爱心,信守承诺。With 33 year pain, delays the compassion, abides by the pledge.

端粒末端转移酶是一种可以重建并且延展端粒的酶。Telomerase is an enzyme that can rebuild and lengthen telomeres.

还记得笛卡尔认为物质的核心是在于延展么。Remember Descartes thought that the essence of matter is extension.

结果导致法庭过度延展以致兵变。The result was a court that is overstretched to the point of mutiny.

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在晚一点的时间,还会考虑在空间上延展。And now I guess later the way we think about the extension over space.

渗碳产品内部的柔软的易延展的低碳的部分。The soft, ductile, low-carbon inner area of a hardened piece of product.

用一位解经家的话说﹐这是恩典的延展。There is no commentator of the Scriptures half so valuable as a captivity.