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他的上衣不堪入目。His coats were execrable.

那个人权纪录不堪入目的人。with abysmal human rights records.

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你知道为什么许多人的简历不堪入目吗?You know why most people have terrible resumes?

首先,这家夜总会本身就很不堪入目。To begin with, the club itself is very unsightly.

另一个厕所真是不堪入目,我讨厌这样!Another bathroom that you can't lock, I hate that.

我不会轻易感到震惊,但那实在是一本不堪入目的书。I'm not easily shocked, but that book is really a bad one.

这家杂志上的一些文章不堪入目。Some articles in the magazine were intolerable to the eye.

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你的老总给你发了一条不堪入目的消息或者你的同事让你实在是很生气。Your boss sends you a nasty message or a coworker really dos you mad.

但是他把它们穿在自己身上!它们穿在他身上比穿在汤姆小猫身上更加不堪入目。But he put them on himself! They fitted him even worse than Tom Kitten.

你的老板给你发了一条不堪入目的信息或者你的同事让你实在是很生气。Your boss sends you a nasty message or a coworker really makes you mad.

食物或油脂粘在玻璃杯边缘都是不堪入目的。It’s unsightly to see food particles or grease on the rim of your glass.

雅典的人民啊,谁让这城邦不堪入目,是那腐朽的政府啊,不可饶恕I must tell the Athenians how many evils a city suffers from bad government."

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普通的印度家庭根本就不可能去观看这类电影,他们有的时候简直俗得不堪入目。These films cannot be watched with our families, they are so vulgar at times.

我们走进一间不堪入目的屋子,在一张桌子旁坐下,桌子中央放着一桶煤。We went into a grotty house and sat at a table with a bucket of coal in the middle.

更甚者,以这辆轿车来运货,那真是不堪入目。More very person, will carry with this car goods, that is to enter order extremely really.

每当奶奶烹饪完食物后那大汗淋漓的样子,都让我们不堪入目。Whenever his grandmother cooking food after the end of that sweat like Lin Li, let us offensive.

媒体和对手可以痛快地深挖她不堪入目的丑闻。The press and her opponents would have a field day digging into the dirty details of her background.

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一个连绵不断的句子,其无休无止的词汇的堆积就如同清洗池内高高堆积的不堪入目的脏盘子。A run-on sentence, its phrases piling up without division, is as unsightly as a sink piled high with dirty dishes.

与NBA球员在赛场上表现出的光鲜照人形成鲜明对比的是他们在场外不堪入目的私生活。NBA players on the court and show the people dressed as a sharp contrast to their over-the-counter offensive in private life.

现在许多大城市不堪入目。街道上满是被乱丢乱放的垃圾,而在这些垃圾里,仍有一些有用的东西。Many large cities are anything but beautiful. Sspxeets are littered with spxash. In this spxash, however, there is still something that can be useful.