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他们目击了几起巷战。They witnessed several street battles.

你为什么非得参加我们碰巧路过的每条街上的巷战不可?Why do you have to pile in every street fight that we happen to pass?

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上图为中国士兵在台儿庄战役中和日军展开巷战的情景。Chinese soldiers in house-to-house fighting in Battle of Tai'erzhuang.

美国是否安全取决于巴格达巷战的胜败。The safety of America depends on the outcome of the battle in the streets of Baghdad.

持续了三天的巷战及交火已造成至少14人死亡20人受伤。Three days of street battles and gunfights have killed at least 14 people and wounded 20.

时,白海带日自己来收屋,发现了沈桦,两边睁开巷战。White sea belt day to collect house of his own, found Shen Hua, open street on both sides.

艾克萨奇亚上空被催泪瓦斯和烟雾所笼罩,这让它看起来像是城市巷战中的一块飞地。A heavy cloud of tear gas and smoke hung over Exarchia, which felt like a rebel-held enclave in a city at war.

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我现在经验的是另一个程式,这个程式重现了美国乔治亚州本宁堡的巷战训练中心。I was immersed in a different program now, a reproduction of an actual urban-combat training site at Fort Benning, Ga.

正如暮色降临,被扔燃烧瓶穿过广场,引发多处大火肆虐的巷战。As dusk fell, Molotov cocktails were thrown across the square, sparking fires in several places as street battles raged.

这幅照片是1942年8月德军占领俄国罗斯托夫期间发生的激烈巷战的证据。Evidence of the bitter street fighting which took place during the occupation of Rostov, Russia by German forces in August of 1942.

辩护者设计针对于那些高伤亡率的近距离作战,例如巷战或者丛林战斗。The Vindicator was a response to the high casualty rates suffered during close quarter battles, such as street fighting or in jungles.

这个精明的巷战斗士发明了“作战空间”这个词,也可能叫商业上的打手前来助阵。She is a savvy street fighter who invented the term "war room" and can call on the help of some of the dirtiest bruisers in the business.

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到了10月3日,星期日,叶利钦和他在国家议会里的极端保守的对手们之间的冲突激变为莫斯科街头的巷战。By Sunday, October 3, the conflict between Yeltsin and his reactionary opponents in the Duma erupted into a battle on the streets of Moscow.

暗杀事件发生在萨利赫拒绝签署交权协议后,萨利赫的拒绝态度也引发了首都萨那的多起巷战,首都多处遭到破坏。The attempt on Saleh's life came after he ducked out of the deal, which ushered in street battles that devastated parts of his capital Sanaa.

它发射9mm和更大些的枪弹,它的瞄准系统在射程一百米以下格外精确,而这也是一般巷战的典型距离。Firing 9mm or larger bullets, the sighting system is pretty accurate at ranges under a hundred meters, which is the normal range of urban combat.

龙梅率留守部队与优势日军作最后的搏杀,巷战之后,龙家集全面失守。After the long rate and the advantages of the Japanese troops left behind for the last fight, street fighting, dragon house set comprehensive fall.

在城市里进行巷战的时候,国民党军官总是不许老百姓离家外逃,致使许多平民丧失性命。In street fighting in the cities, the nationalist commander refused to allow civilians to leave their homes so that many noncombatants were killed.

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在一座游骑兵用于巷战训练的模拟城市里,一个执行一项间谍任务并配有摄像头的十五英寸的机器人在一个炸弹工厂周围奔驰。In a mock city here used by Army Rangers for urban combat training, a 15-inch robot with a video camera scuttles around a bomb factory on a spying mission.

三天后,这支部队将会与他们在米苏拉塔的同志并肩战斗,而他们要面对的是与卡扎菲的狙击手、地面部队所展开的残酷巷战。In three days' time, they would be fighting alongside their Misurata comrades in ferocious street battles against Colonel Gaddafi's snipers and ground troops.

记者仅能简单地与靠近检查哨最近的人打听状况,询问前方有关炮击或巷战的消息。Reporters simply approach the men at the nearest checkpoint and ask for an update on the fighting ahead be it an artillery barrage or street-to-street combat.