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像撕薄了的棉絮,铺在倒悬著的碧海上。Like cotton fiber spreading on bluish green sea.

晦暗,覆盖着倒悬的诗句的藤蔓。Darkened and overhung by the running vine of the verses.

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在距地面约200英尺的上空,一勇士被绑在一架直升机上倒悬着。A hero is being hung down from a helicopter some 200 feet above.

在距地面约200英尺的上空,一勇士被绑在一架直升机上倒悬着。A hero is being hung downbound from a aircraft some 200 feet on.

对所谓感情用事的人来说,他们就像是一个被倒悬在梁上的人。Those people, who act impetuously , are as if they are hung by feet on beam.

她从他头顶飞过,在视野之外的半空中倒悬着停住了。She flew over him, coming to a stop upside down in midair, out of sight below.

“像牛头的前面有一大块倒悬的石壁,好像牛躲在棚子裹似的”。It's like Tau in front of a large stone hung upside down, as if wrapped like cattle shed to hide.

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你想要什么?开悟出智慧的花?从书中解脱倒悬之苦?还是比翼双飞?What do you want ? growing the flower of wisdom ? released from books ? or flying wing to wing with someone you love.

目的了解进行倒悬旋转手法时腰椎各结构的应力分布和变化的特点。Objective To study the trait of intra-stress distribution of lumbar unit during the hang upside down and rotatory manipulation.

有些人不能将自己的心自倒悬之苦中解放出来,那是因为他们为物质的诱惑所困的原因。Someone can't emancipate their hearts from the bondage of the world, because they are tempted by and obsessed with the material.

在无限深透水地基上修建土石坝,坝基防渗体常采用倒悬挂式防渗墙。On the infinite deep pervious foundation, the earth-rolkfill dams often take the hanging vertical cut-off wall to control the seepage.

大变动时代“倒悬般”的生活境遇,是“游”范畴形成的历史根源,“道”是“游”的本体论根据。The close down type living condition in upheaval age was its history forming root of the life ideal model. Dao was its ontological gist.

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当然这是强辩之词。人总是站着、坐着、躺着比较舒服些。没事的话,没人会喜欢被人捉住倒悬在梁上的。Of course, this is a lame argument. Human feel comfortable when standing, sitting or lying down. Nobody likes to be hung by feet on beam.

曾经目睹过贫困,住过贫民窟的格瓦拉这时被说服只有一场马克思主义革命才能够解世界人民于倒悬。Che, having seen poverty and lived in squalor, had by this time become convinced that only a Marxist revolution could remedy the world’s ills.

而一个悬挂久了,也已养成习惯的人,你不让他如此倒悬他还感觉难受呢?蝙辐不就是一直倒悬在树枝上的吗?Common people hanging by feet for long time may get accustomed. If not hanging by feet, they will feel uneasy. Isn't the bat hung on branches?

而后人就以“口若悬河”来形容人善于说话,一旦说起话来就像倒悬的河水、滔滔不绝,永远没有停止的时候。Then people would be "eloquent"to describe people who are good words, once the river began to talk like a hung upside down, forever, never stops.

根据所有的物理定律,像狼蛛那么大、那么重的蜘蛛都不应该会爬墙、会倒悬,倒悬着就应该头朝下摔下来。By all laws of physics, spiders as big and heavy as tarantulas shouldn't be able to climb walls or hang upside down—they should fall on their heads.

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在东峰山脚穴内,终年滴水不绝。夏季珠玑四溅,甘醇沁人,冬季冰柱倒悬,宛如琼玉世界。Dongfeng Xuenei in the foot, year-round water can not. Abas scattered in the summer, Qin Ren glycol, winter icicles hung upside down, like Jean-World.

四周都没有星,只有它,那么高,如恶海孤灯,倒悬头顶,有点诧异。It really surprised me that the lamplight itself stood highly on the mountain with no stars around it like a lonely lamp hanging upside down over the boundless sea.

四周都没有星,只有它,那么高,如恶海孤灯,倒悬头顶,有点诧异。It really surprised me that the lamplight itself stood highly on the mountain, with no stars around it, like a lonely lamp hanging upside down over the boundless sea.