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为什么盏灯伏案还要写呢?Why even writing desk lamp?

窗前,他伏案书写着寂寞。The window, his desk writing the lonely.

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伏案写作让我狭隘、短见。I had become narrow and short-sighted at my desk.

编辑已伏案辛劳了好几个小时了。The editor has been slaving at his desk for hours.

伏案数周之后,我终于开始出去走走。I start out for a walk at last after weeks at the desk.

我认为长期伏案的生活一点也不适合我。I don't think a sedentary life would altogether suit me.

她脉脉地注视着伏案苦读的儿子。She stared at her son studying at the desk with loving eyes.

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当您长时间面对电脑伏案工作,受否感到腰酸背痛?After working on the computer for a long time, do you have a backache?

如果你要长时间伏案工作,你会希望过得得舒服点。If you are going to be chained to your desk, you’ll want to be comfortable.

长时间伏案于写字台会引起肌骨骼和手部疾病。Long hours at the desk can cause musculoskeletal problems and hand problems.

在曾经的多少个夜晚,我伏案为这个特殊的月份写作。In the past so many nights, I sat at the table for this particular month writing.

他会在午餐时间疯狂伏案工作,以求提前完成项目。He spends his lunch hour at his desk working frantically to finish the project ahead of time.

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如果你一直伏案阅读,就去另一同事的办公室为另一计划想些点子。If you've been reading at your desk, walk into someone's office to brainstorm on another project.

早先的研究把伏案工作这样的久坐与患病风险联系在了一起。Previous studies have associated other sedentary activities, like sitting at a desk, with health risks.

壳等,而整日伏案工作的人如教师或医生,就应该有打网球、打高尔夫。Day, such as a teacher or a doctor should have a lively hobby such as ten-nis, golf, swimming or skating.

梅丽莎·克拉克曾在一家饭店厨房做过一阵子厨师,后来她决定走一条伏案工作的道路。After brief forays working as a cook in a restaurant kitchen,Melissa Clark decided upon a more sedentary path.

关注点就像你伏案工作时的那一束微光,而觉悟是意识世界里温存柔和的阳光普照。Concentration is like a narrow beam of light shining on a task. Awareness is the soft, full light of attention.

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一个伏案工作的人所需要的能量要比基础代谢多30-40%。For one engaged in a sedentary occupation, the extra energy requirement rises to from 30 to 40 percent above basal.

体位法消除因整日伏案办公桌前久坐所造成的身体上的不适。Asanas remove the physical discomfort accumulated during a day at the office sitting in a chair, hunched over a desk.

背部酸疼、脖子僵硬、手腕疼痛?办公室伏案一族都会在职业生涯的某个阶段出现上述部分甚至全部的症状。Sore back, stiff neck, aching wrists? All of us office desk-junkies have had some or all of these problems at some point in our working life.