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他越过对方后卫,趁势把球踢入球门。He dribbled past the fullback and scored a goal.

他显出犹豫不决的样子。老吴趁势加大压力。He looked uncertain. Lao Wu pressed his advantage.

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研究童装色彩流行趁势,可以指导消费市场。Kids taking advantage of popular colors, can guide the consumer market.

亚历山大趁势示意军队转而直功大流士。Seizing the moment, Alexander signals his troops to turn and charge straight at Darius.

有些人惜口如金,却知趁势而为,见机行动。Somebody speaks little but he knows how to act according to the circumstances or to make use of opportunity.

高质量艺术品价值飙升促使一些艺术家忍痛割爱,把自己最好的作品趁势卖出。The sharp rise in values for high-quality art has encouraged owners to part with their best paintings and sculptures.

媒体趁势炒作这个结果,预测人工合成的虫子也许很快就会从试管里爬出来了。The popular press sensationalized the findings by suggesting that synthetic bugs might soon be crawling out of test tubes.

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而在三聚氰胺事件发生后一个月,FDA也趁势决定限制从中国进口部分食品。The FDA also took heat for deciding to restrict the import of some foods from China more than a month after the scandal broke.

我们坚决支持以对社会、道德、和环境方面负责任的方式来为股东创造价值的这种趁势。We strongly support the trend towards delivering shareholder value in a socially, ethically and environmentally responsible manner.

因此,大力发展非营利组织是我国经济和社会发展的必然趁势。So it is the trend of the economic and social development in the country to devote major efforts to developing non-profit organizations.

不过,底特律虽然已大幅降低了与日本相比的成本劣势,但是仍有必要趁势快速推进才行。So Detroit, which has made great progress in reducing its cost disadvantage with Japan, needs to continue to move quickly down that path.

洁银牙膏趁势凭藉自身先天的优势和后天的营养,跻身进入国际主流消费市场。With the aid of Colgate's effective marketing campaign and the advantage of its own brand, Jie Yin soon staged itself in the world market.

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牠们的尾巴画出一道光弧,浮游生物在海浪中闪闪发亮,一群小鱼趁势而起,在月色下闪耀着银白色的光辉,犹如一座新生的星群。Their tails leave arcs of light as plankton glow in the waves. A school of minnows rises up, flashing silver in the moonlight like a new constellation.

最近遇到中报时刻,很多机构趁势拉抬股价,暗中猫腻---这也是中国股市的又一显著特色。Many agencies are using the interim report to lift up the related stocks, this is obvious tricky. But our regulators is intended to be blind about this.

本文利用1978-2007年中国GDP和就业相关数据证明,我国长期存在就业弹性递减趁势。This paper proved that China exist long-standing employment elasticity decreasing trend to use the data of Chinese GDP and employment in years 1978-2007.

简要概括了国内外各种主要的局部止血材料的性能及其止血机理,展望了该材料未来的发展趁势。This paper reviews the mechanisms and properties of different topical hemostatic agents. The development tendency of topical hemostatic agent is forecast.

不仅符合全球童装色彩流行趁势,而且突出不同地域童装色彩的差异与特色。Popular not only in taking advantage of the global wear color, and highlight the differences between different regions and characteristics of children of color.

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而这份有形、无形的资产,则于战后六○、七○年代趁势崛起,并转化为展露风华的原动力。Then during the 1960s through the 1970s, the woodwork production of Ta-hsi as both tangible and intangible cultural heritage, was transformed into a dynamic art form.

随着我国社会主义市场经济的深入发展,社会上拜金主义、利己主义趁势抬头,潜移默化地影响着青少年的价值取向,成为制约学校德育效果的外在因素。With the development of the market economy, money worship and egoism also imperceptibly affect the teenagers, which is the outside cause of limiting the result of moral education.

近年来,观光旅游风气日盛,厂商也趁势推出所谓的走路鞋或是旅游鞋,功能上则强调休闲却不失高雅。In recent years, tourism increasing prevalence, manufacturers taking advantage of the introduction of the so-called walking shoes or sneakers, but functionality is emphasized casual yet elegant.