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四月万事不烦忧。No worries for April.

万事都有一个尽头。Everything has an end.

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万事都有局限性。Everything has a limit.

但是万事无保证。But nothing is guaranteed.

虚空的虚空。万事俱是虚空。Vanity of vanity. All is vanity.

勤则万事易,懒则万事难。All things are difficult to sloth

我将确保你万事无忧。I'll make your everything alright.

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奎师那是万事万物的根源。Krishna is the root of everything.

这年头人得万事小心呵。One must be so careful these days.

万事可能都是完美的。Not everything is perfect, however.

⊙、万事皆由人的意志创造。Everything is created by man's will.

万事都是紧密联系的。Everything is deeply interconnected.

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万事都有第一次。There's a first time for everything.

健康使万事可成。Health so that everything can become.

万事万物都是上帝创造的吗?Did God create everything that exists?

柏拉图认为万事万物都是如此Plato thought everything was like that.

万事都在变,不变的只有变化!All things will be change except change!

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世上万事皆由希望所为。Every done in the world is done by hope.

仕途步步高升、万事胜意!Official risen, everything wins meaning!

相信团队合作可以万事皆成。Believe that together we can do anything.