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乔治接任爱德华当队长。George replaced Edward as captain.

普京副手索比亚宁接任莫斯科市长。Sobyanin confirmed as new Moscow mayor.

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新任的大队长接任了这项工作。The new monitor is taking over the job.

拉金在一月接任总裁。Larkin takes ove as President in January.

谁将会接任哈尔德的首相之职尚未可知。Who will take over from Haarde is unclear.

罗宾范佩西准备好接任阿森纳队长一职。Robin van Persie is ready for the Arsenal captaincy.

1997年开始,袁运生先生接任画室主任。In 1997, Prof. Yuan Yunsheng took over the post of director.

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菲利普只是因为米歇尔受伤了才接任队长的。Philipp took on the role solely because Michael was injured.

我的问题是谁将接任该基金会主席职位。My question is who will take over president of the Foundation.

潘天寿接任国立艺专校长。Pan Tianshou becomes principal of the National College of Art.

蔡金勇将接任查向阳担任高盛高华的首席执行长。Mr. Cai will succeed Zha Xiangyang as CEO of the joint venture.

奥巴马已经为接任总统做好了准备。Mr Obama now has all the accoutrements of a president-in-waiting.

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从一月开始,爱尔兰接任为期半年的欧盟轮值主席国。In January Ireland takes over the six-monthly presidency of the EU.

有关你的扶轮社细则什麽是在你接任职务前所应该知道的?What should you know about your club's bylaws before taking office?

这些职位将由第112届国会中另一位民主党参议员接任。Those posts will be filled by another Democrat in the 112th Congress.

他1980年就开始雇佣史蒂夫·巴尔默,但是过了20年,他才宣布首席执行官的职务由后者接任。He hired Steve Ballmer in 1980 and gave him the CEO job 20 years later.

陈肇隆教授接任第三任高雄长庚医院院长。Professor Chao-Long Chen was appointed the 3rd Superintendent of KCGMH.

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1992年,阿基诺在有六名竞选人的总统竞选中受权他接任总统。In 1992, Aquino endorsed Ramos in the six-candidate race to succeed her.

一般认为英足总已拟出一份他们最希望接任此职位的名单,有五或六位候选人。It is thought the FA has drawn up a shortlist of five or six contenders.

金昌觉得自己应退下来,他已安排晋升接任当家之位。Jinchang feel should be retired, he has to arrange promotion took charge.