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蝙蝠鹞鱼开始了盛宴。Bat rays awaken to the feast.

国王盛宴款待他朋友。The king feasted his friends.

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这是一次思想的盛宴。This is the regale of the thought.

复活节是巧克力的盛宴。Easter means feasting on chocolate.

三三成对地,我们将要大张盛宴。We'll hold a feast in great solemnity.

他们将以盛宴款待宾客。They will regale the guests with a feast.

物超所值的饕餮盛宴大幅降价。Great Value, the prices have been slashed.

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不曾让我的童年虚掷他那美好的盛宴。Nor starved my girlhood of its goodly feast.

“六一”儿童节是儿童的盛宴。"61" the children's day is children's feast.

屠杀结束之后,盛宴将会立即开始。For after the killing will come the feasting.

这是人生和财富的理念盛宴。This is the concept regale of life and fortune.

不过在那狂欢的盛宴中却很容易被狂热所感染。But it was easy to get caught up in the revelry.

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太阳能泛光灯,给贫民窟带来了夜间足球盛宴Solar-powered lights bring night football to slum

一场视听的盛宴,一部真诚的影片!The regale of a seeing and hearing, a genuine film!

做一桌波里尼西亚宴席或古罗马盛宴。Cook a Polynesian feast or an ancient Roman banquet.

我们拜访她时,她总是盛宴款待我们。When we visit her,she wines and dines us splendidly.

新媒体在这场盛宴中的步伐更为快速。New media is in the pace in this regale is more fast.

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当地人为表达感激,张罗了一桌盛宴款待她们。To show their gratitude, the locals prepared a feast.

在生活的盛宴里,每一门语言都是一道菜。At the banquet of life, each language is another course.

享受了一顿盛宴,但你感觉吃多了。You had a great feast, but you feel like you overdid it.