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过去的几年中,奥菱人留下了许多浓墨重彩的篇章。In the past several years, OLY people made many colourful cantos.

现在,他带着浓墨重彩的人工新闻报道再次涉足僵尸类型的小说。Now he revisits the zombie genre with hits much weightier faux- reportage.

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倘若一生是一幅色彩斑斓的画卷,那么大学生活一定是那浓墨重彩的一笔。If life were a colorful drawing, college life would be one of the brightest colors.

这在我的职业生涯里也算是最具有挑战性的浓墨重彩的一笔。I have, however, found the last few months some of the most challenging of my career.

令人印象深刻的外表特征三63磁悬浮是浓墨重彩其宽,道-拥抱的立场。The impressive appearance of the C 63 AMG is accented by its wide, road-hugging stance.

在活动前,我俱乐部方大下宣传力度,在人气上为活动添了浓墨重彩的一笔。Before the activity, our club did our best to spread propaganda to make it more absorbing.

这篇文章浓墨重彩地描写了唐长安城的繁华。The article describes Chang'an's prosperity in the Tang dynasty in a rich and colorful manner.

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是的,我们的母亲,我们人生中第一个真正的关爱我们的人——“爱情地图”当然应该浓墨重彩。Yes, our mothers--the first real love of our lives--write a significant portion of our lovemap.

配乐大师埃尼奥·莫利康内的音乐也为托纳托雷的电影增添了浓墨重彩的一笔。Ennio Morricone soundtrack master of the music for the film Giuseppe Tornatore add a red-letter year.

因而,在婚姻家庭法中,浓墨重彩地规定了夫妻离异时财产分割的原因。Consequently, the laws of marriage emphasize on the doctrine of division of property when divorce occurs.

此外,该研究报告说,为增加收视,福克斯新闻增加对这些虚假的故事的浓墨重彩的宣传。In addition, the study said, increased viewership of Fox News led to increased belief in these false stories.

本剧浓墨重彩展示农民起义波澜壮阔的历史,尽显农民起义英雄本色。This maxi-series reveals a constellation of heroes emerging in the history of peasant uprising in vivid details.

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六年后的上海世博会也必将以如椽巨笔,在世博会历史上留下浓墨重彩的一章!Now, six years later, it's the turn of World Expo 2010 Shanghai China to add a splendid page to our nation's history.

有一处公寓楼的墙上,一个浓墨重彩的涂鸦外星人在咧嘴狞笑。However, on the walls of one of the buildings an alien grins and profound graffiti covers the wall in a splash of color.

马上,第十一届盟战即将拉开大幕,我们期待能杀出重围,在50历史中写下浓墨重彩的一笔。Immediately, at its eleventh UNITA WAR will begin, we look forward to out of obstacles, to write history in the 50 world.

不管怎么说,对许多观察家来说,英美式自由主义的退败是新常态市场浓墨重彩的一笔。Nonetheless, for many observers the retreat of Anglo-Saxon liberalism is one of the most telling parts of the new normal.

傅抱石是二十世纪中国画坛的一位大师,以其山水画名扬天下,独创“抱石皴”为中国山水画史添上了浓墨重彩的一笔。Well-known to the world with his landscape painting, Fu Baoshi is a great master of the Chinese art circle in the 20th century.

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釉下彩的普及,釉下彩的创烧,为长沙铜官窑在中国陶瓷史上留下浓墨重彩的一页。The first burning and popularity of the underglaze colour made the Changsha Kiln very important in China's history of porcelain.

似一个浓墨重彩后的烟花女子,满世界的招摇过市,在阡陌市井间流转。Like a thick and heavy in colours after the fireworks woman, a world full of swagger through the streets, in the town transferred.

新时期“三农”小说对乡村社会的贫困进行了浓墨重彩的书写。The poverty in the countryside have been strongly written in the novels of "the three-dimensional rural issues" in the new period.