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每个人都应该公正无私,正大光明。Everybody should be fair and square.

这笔交易完全是正大光明的。The deal was completely open and above board.

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他参与这件事完全是正大光明的。His part in the affair was quite open and aboveboard.

这辆汽车我是正大光明买下来的,我不知道那是贼赃。I bought the car in good faith . I didn't know it was stolen.

走自己的路,正大光明,所以别人才能够看到你做的。Walk the walk, and do it visibly, so others can see what you’re doing.

我们有很多法子能叫咱正大光明毫不猥琐的碰一个女孩。Break the touch barrier. There are several ways to touch a girl without being sleazy.

尽管他有这样或那样的缺点,他与人相处时还是正大光明的。Whatever his shortcomings are, he's always fair and square in his dealings with people.

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所以心要正大光明,方能照破一切黑暗。Only when your mind is proper, great, and bright can you shine right through all the darkness!

你会在别人成功时心生喜悦吗?你会在激烈竞争中正大光明吗?Do you derive joy when someone else succeeds? Do you not play dirty when engaged in competition?

四方宽敞、正大光明,布置协调的格局是住家上乘之选。All directions is capacious, conscientious, decorating harmonious pattern is live choose excellently.

与此,会深受鼓舞地看到资本市场的某些活动能够正大光明的。In the meantime, it is heartening to see some of this capital-markets activity coming out of the shadows.

如果他们所做的事正大光明,我们也就没必要通过问询议会,才能了解真相了。If they are proud of what they are doing, why do we need to ask Parliamentary questions for this to come to light?

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近些年来,黑巧克力对于健康的益处被广泛宣传,这让了巧克力的爱好者有了正大光明的理由,肆无忌惮的成迷其中。The well-publicised health benefits of dark chocolate have given many chocolate lovers an added reason to indulge in recent years.

近些年来,黑巧克力对于健康的益处被广泛宣传,这让了巧克力的爱好者有了正大光明的理由,肆无忌惮的成迷其中。The?well-publicised health benefits of dark chocolate have given many chocolate lovers an added reason to indulge in recent years.

环境保护论的招牌让环境法西斯主义者正大光明地声称绿色购物永远不能停止生态灾难。This brand of environmentalism only emboldens ecofascists who rightly claim that shopping green can never stop the ecological crisis.

反倒是为了准备过年辛苦忙了好一阵子的人,可以趁此机会正大光明地在家休息。Instead, it's a good chance for anyone who has spent a long time preparing for the celebrations to stay at home and take a well-earned rest.

此外,还要有崇高的精神,这样才能充满爱心,有高度的责任感,才能遵纪守法,正大光明地竞争。In addition, we must have a lofty spirit, so as to cherish care, high sense of responsibility, and to obey the rules, and compete above board.

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众人心说,若是不拿回来现现,谁又知道你女儿“正大光明”地拿回嫁妆了呢?The public heart says that if don't take behind immediately now, who know again your daughter is "equitable" ground of to take was the trousseau once?

麦肯尼认为,中国政府正大光明地利用因特网促使其人民与其连手,没有多党合作与民主体系。MacKinnon sees China as potentially using the Internet to enable citizens to engage with government without a multi-party system or democratic institutions.

事实是,甚至正大光明的逆向工程常常需要打开这样的保护,DMCA的确允许为兼容性目的所做的逆向工程。The fact is, even above-board reverse-engineering often requires breaking such safeguards, and the DMCA does allow reverse-engineering for compatibility purposes.