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现在是推陈出新的时候了。It is time to try something new!

为答谢广大忠诚顾客,美食品种更在不断地推陈出新。Meanwhile, new menu are constantly developed to cater to the clientele.

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如果玩具千篇一律,不推陈出新,那么孩子会玩腻的。The kids would get bored with monotony, if there is no change in toys, once in a while.

相形之下,谷歌的优势在于其庞大的云规模,以及基于浏览器的应用软件的不断推陈出新。Google's advantage lies in its massive cloud scale and innovation in browser-based apps.

可根据客户提供的样品进行设计生产,不断的推陈出新,以满足市场需求。Can provide the sample design and production, continuous innovation, to meet market demand.

公司将不懈奋斗继续推陈出新,做中国出口贸易的拓荒者。JBA will work tirelessly to do Chinese export trade and the pioneers to world empty spaces.

随着科学技术的不断发展,机器人技术也不断推陈出新。With the continuous development of science and technology, robotics has continued to emerge.

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时装设计师要不停地推陈出新,力求花样百出。Fashion designers make every effort to show variety and create something new to attract attention.

在经营模式上,连锁企业不断推陈出新,有传统式、自助式、大锅小锅之分。On the business model, chain enterprises constantly, traditional, self-service, cauldron small pot.

随着时代的发展,国际惯例也是不断推陈出新的。With the development of times, international practice will abandon the old and bring forth the new.

别克已经15年没有推出过君威的轿跑版了,而且别克也并不急于推陈出新。Buick hasn't offered a Regal coupe for 15 years, and there has been no hurry to replace it until now.

如今联邦政府行动束手束脚,只能依赖州政府和地方政府大刀阔斧的推陈出新了。With the federal government deadlocked, bold measures may be confined to state and local governments.

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在当下的环境下,绘画更应该在以前的体系下推陈出新。However, in the current environment painting should introduce some new elements from the previous system.

阐述金属工艺学教材内容的推陈出新及其分类、衔接、编排。This paper illustrates the classification, cohesion and the arrangement of the contents of Technology of Metals.

英国媒体近日报道,塑形紧身内衣已开始推陈出新,预备开拓男性市场。Body-hugging underwear has had a makeover of its own and has been repackaged for men, the UK media reported recently.

也是中国第一家做釉类产品的公司我们严格控制产品质量,不断的推陈出新。China is also the first to do glaze products company we strictly control the quality of products, constant innovation.

总之,贾公彦语言学是广博的,他的诸多论断成为后人汲取营养、推陈出新的宝库。Quite a lot of his studies has became a treasure where the descendant can draw the nutrition and bring forth the new ones.

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麦当劳欢乐餐近来推陈出新,套餐里加入苹果,菠萝,桔子,葡萄干还有胡萝卜等蔬菜水果元素。The McDonald's Happy Meal is getting a makeover -- one with apples, pineapples, mandarin oranges, raisins and even carrots.

为了确保在激烈的市场竞争中保持领先优势,我公司还不断推陈出新,满足市场的时新需求。In order to keep the advanced advantage in the fierce market competition, our factory continually changes to meet the new need.

摒弃了过往肮脏的煤矿形象,鲁尔区要利用自身工业传统所蕴藏的潜能来推陈出新。Leaving its dirty coalmine image behind the region wants to use its potential from its industrial heritage to form innovations.