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他站在邮筒旁边。He stood by the postbox.

大错特错她看起来像一个邮筒。Colossal . She looks like a mailbox.

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你究竟是怎么撞上那邮筒的?Why did you hit that mailbox anyway?

她封上信封后把信放入邮筒。She sealed the envelopeandputit postbox.

胡同拐角处有个邮筒。There is a pillar box at the street corner.

星期二一早,一辆卡车停在邮筒旁。On Tuesday morning a truck stopped at the mailbox.

我把信投到了街角的邮筒里。I dropped the letter in the mailbox on this corner.

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星期一晚上,胡安把信放进了邮筒。Juan put the letter in the mailbox on Monday night.

你能帮我把这些信投入邮筒吗?Can you put these letters into the pillar-box for me?

渭已疑塞进邮局前里的邮筒里。I dropped the letter into the mailbox in front of the Post Office.

如果想寄信给圣诞老公公,请用这个邮筒。Please put mail into this mail box if you wanna send mail to Santa.

“你要每天都查看邮筒哦”毛丽什么地和爸爸说。"You've got to check the mailbox every day, " said Molly 36 to Dad.

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信箱是她设计的一个实用可调节的邮筒,它可以立放也可悬放。Letterbox is a practical and adjustable mailbox, standing or hanging.

板油布丁和红色邮筒已经深入你的灵魂。The suet puddings and the red pillar-boxes have entered into your soul.

星期一晚上,胡安把信放进了邮筒。Dave lives in Oregon. Juan put the letter in the mailbox on Monday night.

几乎同一的信用卡从竞争银行提供装满邮筒。Nearly identical credit card offers from competing banks fill up mailboxes.

史蒂夫把所有的选票收集起来,然后把它们放入了最近的邮筒里。Steve had picked up all the ballots and dropped them in the nearest mailbox.

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贴张邮花再扔到前边那个邮筒里就可以了。You just stick a stamp on the postcard and put it in the mailbox over there.

在中国邮政储蓄的门口就有邮筒,可以寄信,国内信件都没问题。There is a postbox at the door of Postal Savings Bank of China for domestic letters.

因此这个邮筒在每年的情人节期间都被塞得满满的。Thus, the mail box is always full in the time leading up to Valentine's Day each year.