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您是天底下最好的老师!You are the best teacher ever!

丢掉工作真是天底下最糟的事吗?Was losing my job the worst thing in the world?

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黄帝真是天底下,最能将道理说得精辟透彻的人了。Yellow Emperor is the best one who can spell out Tao.

伊人大姐真是天底下一个大善人!Sister Yiren is really the kindest woman in the world!

我们全都被教导过天底下没有免费的午餐,对吗?We’ve all been taught that nothing is truly free, right?

“莴苣”慢慢长成了天底下最漂亮的女孩。Rapunzel grew into the most beautiful child beneath the sun.

谨以此文献给先父和天底下所有的父亲!Dedicated to my late father and all other fathers in the world!

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天底下的小孩子们好像都喜欢钻到桌子底下去玩,易峰和天天也不例外。It seems all kids love to play under a table. So do Alex and DiDi.

天底下会有哪个父亲会希望看到自己的女儿处于这样一种地步。What father would want to see his daughter in that kind of position?

海豚比鲣鱼难吃些,但是话说回来,天底下有什么事情容易呢。It will be harder to eat than the bonito. But, then, nothing is easy.

天底下哪有漠视人而人家不会伤心落泪,更何况是对自己有生养之恩的父母!Anyone feels hurt when he is ignored, how much the more so our own parents.

长期作为营养咨询师,天底下什么样的借口我没有听说过。As a longtime nutritional counselor, I have heard every excuse under the sun.

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就个人而言,我倒为天底下的求职者们担心别的事情。Personally, I worry about something else—on behalf of job-seekers everywhere.

哦,只要稍为愉快一点,我就是天底下最幸福的人了。A little more lightheartedness would render me the happiest being under the sun.

子路不信天底下竟有这等奇事,于是他还是按照原定计划,跑到市南去找宜僚的家人。Zilu didn't believe such things so he insisted to go to south Yiqiu to look for them.

我打赌天底下只有我一个人在干这事,她自思自忖道,我那书呆子性格别人连一半都赶不上。I bet you no one else does this, she thought to herself. No one's half as nerdy as I am.

在灰沈沈的天底下,忽而来一阵凉风,便息列索落地下起雨来了。In ash Shen Shen sky, after a cool wind, then the rest column-cord ground it began to rain.

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从此以后,无知的国王就更相信夜郎是天底下最大的国家。After this, the ignorant king believed even more firmly that Yelang was the world's biggest country.

我不再是五分钟前那样子了,这会儿天底下我就需要一样东西——一根烟。I’m not the same man as I was five minutes ago. There’s only one thing in the world I need now—a cigarette.

天底下肯放弃功名,甘心成为一名凡夫俗子者,实在是太少了。There are few people in the world who would like to give up fame and success and willing to be an earthling.