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计划和实施直接督导下的短程化疗Planning and DOTS implementation

伊尔-86是苏联的首架大型中短程喷气客机。Il-86 is the first soviet airbus.

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流行病学趋势和直接督导下的短程化疗影响Epidemiological trends and DOTS impact

朝鲜再试5个短程导弹。DPRK test-fires 5 short-range missiles.

命名为富勒的短程线圆顶结构。Fuller named this structure the geodesic dome.

在非常高的能量下,质子—质子散射是一个短程现象。For very high energy, the proton-proton scattering is a short range.

国际社会认为朝鲜还发射了3枚短程导弹。The world says the country also has test-fired 3 short-range missiles.

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在欧洲,电车一直被用作短程载送货车。In Europe electric vehicles have been used as short-range delivery vans.

目的探索对急性淋菌性尿道炎的短程有效药物。Objective To study a method of treatment in acute gonococcal urethritis.

最后对长程与短程拦截问题进行了数值仿真。Moreover, shot-range and long-range interceptions are performed in simulations.

本发明涉及短程通信系统的领域。The present invention relates to the field of short-rage communication systems.

首先,你需要为你的小组定出长程目标和短程目标,然后再定你自己的。First, you need to plot out goals and objectives for your team. Then for yourself.

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在整个治疗过程中得到病人充分支持的标准化短程化疗Standardized short-course chemotherapy with full patient support throughout treatment

并且,忘掉用装备有短程武器的喷气战斗机来袭击美国海军这回事吧。And forget using jet fighters armed with short-range weapons to attack the American navy.

德国的高速铁路网已经使短程的城市间航班停飞。Germany's high-speed rail network has put paid to short-haul flights between several cities.

它是一种“高剂量率短程疗法,是当代针对直肠癌的实验性疗法。”It's a "High dose rate brachytherapy, a contemporary experimental treatment for rectal cancer"

双方还将就中短程导弹构成的威胁着手进行会谈。The two sides also will begin talks on threats posed by intermediate and short-range missiles.

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三脚拥有短程EMP攻击,它可以用在敌人的车辆和建筑上。The Annihilator Tripod has a short range EMP attack it can use on Enemy Vehicles and Buildings.

这种短程力能使原子核保持稳定,当然也能使带电中子星保持稳定。This kind of short-distance force can let nucleus stable , so it can let a neutron-star stable.

韩国在北韩进行核试验以及几次短程导弹试射后,采取了这一举动。The move comes after a nuclear test by the North, and several apparent short range missile launches.