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它们有最大的原子序数。They have the highest values.

而且,它们有着中等的原子序数。And, they have intermediate values.

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这是原子半径和原子序数。Here is atomic radius versus atomic number.

电离室电极用高原子序数的金属制造。The electrode is made of high atomic number metal.

一种元素的原子序数是其原子核中的质子数。An element's atomic number is the number of protons in its nucleus.

但对于7或者更少,对于N原子序数是多少?But for anything 7 or less, so what is the atomic number for nitrogen?

我在看的是非典,作为原子序数的功能。What I am looking at here is boiling point as a function of atomic number.

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其中之一,我已经选择的是,沸点及原子序数。One of them here I happened to choose is boiling point versus atomic number.

非金属化学元素,化学符号P,原子序数15。Phosphorus Nonmetallic chemical element, chemical symbol P, atomic number 15.

性子不发作基本的改动,原子序数的改动是不行能的。No change in atomic number is possible without a radical change in properties.

金与碘相比,有着更高的原子序数和X射线吸收系数。Compared with iodine, Gold has a larger atomic number and X-ray absorption coefficient.

高密度材料通常由较大原子序数原子构成,例如金和铅。Materials with high densities often contain atoms with high atomic numbers, such as gold or lead.

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高密度材料通常由较大原子序数原子构成,例如金和铅。Materialss with high densities often contain atoms with high atomic numbers, such as gold or lead.

电子射程随着原子序数的减少和入射束能量E0的增加而增加。The electron range increases with decreasing atomic number and increasing incident beam energy E0.

那就是为什么这里说原子序数,但如果没有意图和目的,我们就说是原子质量。That is why this says atomic number, but for most intents and purposes we can say this could be atomic mass.

原子序数18,原子量39。948,是一种稀有气体。1894年由英国化学家瑞利和拉姆赛发现。Atomic number 18, atomic weight 39. 948, is a rare gas. 1894 by the British chemist Rayleigh and Ramsay found.

另外,在另一端,我们有原子序数较大的元素,这些元素有着较高的平均化合价和电子能。And, at the other extreme, we have elements with very high value, elements with high average valence electron energy.

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从有效核电量方面来想一想为什么,这是因为,尽管,Z,原子序数依然在变大,但我们同时也在离原子核越来越远。This is because even though z, the atomic number is still increasing, we are also getting further away from the nucleus.

采用低能X射线对低原子序数泡沫样品进行透射照相,以胶片作为记录介质,对材料密度进行测量。The density measurement technology of foam material with low atomic number was established by low energy X-ray radioscopy.

但是现在我就要告诉你们,门捷列夫发表了它,原子序数,我们之后会学到,那是很大的进步。But right now I am going to give it to you as Mendeleev enunciated it. Atomic number, we will learn later, is the improvement.