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联合国对私营军事嗤之以鼻,我们绝不容忍“唯利是图”的做法。We don’t condone “mercenaries, ” sniffs the UN.

可能一些人误认为我是个唯利是图的人。Some people may first misunderstand me as a money-grabber.

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这位奶奶用自己的方式报复她唯利是图的家人。This grandma who got revenge on her money-grabbing family.

他是个唯利是图的人,会设法从你身上拿走每一分钱。He's a real bloodsucker and will take every penny you've got.

我们周围不可避免的存在唯利是图的人。It is can't avoided that there are money-oriented people around us.

那些唯利是图的人,会杀害我们战士的孩子!These mercenary phalanxes. Would cut down our warrior sons. Good Lord!

詹姆斯太唯利是图了,他为领取赏钱竟出卖了自己的母亲。James is so mercenary that he'd turn in his own mother for the reward money.

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在中国还有许多这样的医生,他们一切唯利是图,一切向“钱”看。In china there are more such kind of doctors who place money over everything.

我一向认为他这个人工于心计又唯利是图,所以总是设法避开他。I always considered him calculating and mercenary and did my best to avoid him.

执行官随员、证券交易经纪人行情室里精英们的唯利是图。Enough of the mercenaries in the executive suites, and the elites in the board rooms.

然而他的精神武器能够摧毁来自整个瑞士唯利是图的军队。His spiritual weapons, however, could annihilate entire battalions of Swiss mercenaries.

唯利是图的希腊人洗劫了索贝克神庙,而他是埃及人。你是什么意思?Greek mercenaries sacked Sobek's temple and then of course he's an Egyptian? What do you mean?

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传统的经济学理论的观点认为,人们都唯利是图,精于算计If we're all--conventional economic theory says, we're all relentlessly selfish and calculating.

不可避免的会养成唯利是图的思想,精神受到污染。It is unavoidable that they will become moeny-oriented and sometimes are spiritually contaminated.

不可避免,唯利是图,精神受到污染。It is unavoidable that they will become money-oriented and sometimes are spiritually contaminated.

他被阿尔赫罗达因推进器公司雇佣后,非常震惊地发现这家唯利是图的公司居然在产品中偷工减料。He was hired by Alkherrodyne Propulsion, where he was appalled by the corners cut by the profit-hungry corporation.

且不论在线相亲网站唯利是图的动机,单就他们"一定有更好的方法"的前提来看。Online dating sites, whatever their more mercenary motives, draw on the premise that there has got to be a better way.

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或是成为一个「唯利是图」的商人,在各个阵营之间应付自如、日进斗金。Perhaps becomes "is concerned only about profit" the merchant, goes hand to hand, thriving business between each camp.

你们在市场经济这个海洋里面学游泳,我希望你们不要学得太精明了,精明到唯利是图也不行啦。I hope that as you swim in the sea of the market economy you will not become too clever as to consider making profits only.

2004年,当曼恩和60名唯利是图者搭乘的私人飞机降落在哈拉雷机场时,他们遭到了逮捕。Together with a group of 60 mercenaries, Mann was arrested in March 2004 when their private plane landed at Harare airport.