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他一动不动地站在那,呆呆地望着满地狼藉的食物。He stood stock-still and looked down at the food.

结果他的房子一片狼藉。As as a result, his house was extremely cluttered.

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放眼望去,整个鸡场狼藉一片,触目惊心。Looking ahead, the whole chicken in a mess, shocking.

你的父亲将会大骂你的当他看到这堆狼藉。Your father will bawl you out when he sees this mess.

铅笔尖把那张亮白的纸弄得狼藉一片。The tip of the pencil breaks against the bright paper.

故书穷鼠啮,狼藉一室间。Old books gnawed by old rats, scattered about your room.

他的办公室一片狼藉,文件成堆,烟灰满缸。His office was a disaster area of papers and full ashtrays.

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卡丽和我把他带到楼下,桌子上一片狼藉。Carrie and I took him downstairs, but the table was a wreck.

当我们摆脱这一片狼藉之后,好年景究竟是什麽样子呢?"What do good times look like when we come out of this thing?

环球时报另一篇声明狼藉的社论发表与2011年4月6日。Another now-infamous Global Times editorial ran on April 6, 2011.

判叫狼藉醉清樽,为问世间醒眼是何人。To call in the drunk Qing bottles, to ask the world who is awake.

我说到的这些东西,有些被吃掉了,有些被啃得十分狼藉。Some of the things mentioned-above are eaten up or left in disorder.

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经过时代洗礼,开封的玉皇阁展现给人们的却是一片荒芜,满是狼藉。Yuhuangge in Kaifeng was desolate and full of broken bricks and timber.

车祸现场疮痍满目一片狼藉。Everywhere near the scene of the car accident, destruction meets the eye.

1945年,尽管日本已被打败,但战后的中国仍处于一片狼藉。Although Japan was defeated in 1945, postwar China was still in a state of shock.

购物商场旁边的一家夜总会最近被警方勒令关闭,原因是它的出资人声名过于狼藉。Near the mall is a nightclub, now closed by police because its backers were shady.

目前身名狼藉的“魔杖倒序问题”在再版中被更正了。The now-infamous" Wand Order Problem" was corrected in later editions of the book.

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然而当国家不能全额偿还时,随之而来的一片狼藉仍旧值得警醒!But it still gives warning of how messy things can get when countries don't pay up.

翻箱倒柜找完我心爱的鞋子后,我的房间一片狼藉。My room was in a state of disorder after I searched through it for my favorite shoes.

忽然,一只猫跳上桌子抓取食物,弄得汤汁狼藉。Abrupt, food of capture of table of pop-up of a cat, do so that soup juice ins disorder.