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这里严禁吸烟。No smoking here.

严禁烟火。No smoke, no fire.

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严禁吸咽!Smoking is strictly prohibited!

此影片为家用版,严禁公开播放。This video is for home use only.

严禁攀爬八咏楼石栏杆。No climbing on the stone railings.

严禁向窗外抛扔物品!Don't throw anything out of window.

我们学校严禁吸烟。Our school clamped down on smoking.

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施工现场严禁烟火。The scene strictly forbids fireworks.

严禁破坏公物,禁止在墙上乱写乱画。Stop vandalism. Don't scribble on walls.

上课中严禁咀嚼口香糖等各种零食。No chewing gums or snacks during the class.

场馆内严禁吸烟或饮食。No smoking, eating and drinking is allowed.

在公司范围内,均严禁吸烟。Smoking is strictly forbidden in all areas.

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为什么严禁开过的焊条桶在工地上使用?Why open welding rod can't used on our site?

严禁烟火!Smoking and lighting fires strictly forbidden.

公司厂区范围内,严禁烟火,禁止吸烟。No smoking and lightening fires in the company.

公共场所严禁吸烟。Smoking is strictly prohibited in public places.

严禁跟豪猪发生性行为——佛罗里达州法例。Having sex with a porcupine is illegal in Florida.

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严禁将交流输入电源接至节电器输出端上。Forbid link alternating current to the output side.

车间内严禁吸烟和用明火作业。No smoking and using fire directly in the workshop.

场馆内严禁吸烟或进食。Smoking or eating is not permitted on the premises.