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约翰•福特终于掌权了。John Ford came in at last.

但该党尚未做好掌权的准备。But Fretilin wasn't ready for power.

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1689年他全面掌权做了沙皇。He assumed full authority as tsar in 1689.

他成功地爬进了掌权阶层。He succeeded in worming himself into power.

科斯特洛家是太太掌权。Mrs. Costello wears the breeches in that house.

彼得从1682年起掌权,直到1725年他去世Peter's rule is from 1682 until his death in 1725.


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俄罗斯重新掌权并且设置了一个傀儡领导人。Russia reassumed power and installed a puppet leader.

执政掌权的用何法辖制我们?。What do the principalities and powers use to enslave us?

我姐姐在家里总是指使我,完全是她掌权。My sister always bosses me around. She’s on a power trip.

但是他们说史密斯太太当家掌权。But they say that Mrs. Smith wears the pants in the house.

西特勒掌权后奉行了侵略扩张的政策。Hiller pursued an aggressive policy after he seized power.

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看起来太子党将于近期掌权。Seems the princeling party is gonna come in power recently.

当发生经济危机时谁正好在掌权?Who happened to preside over the economic crisis at the time?

与此同时,胜利者则沉浸于长期的掌权之中。The victors, meanwhile, hung on to power long into their dotage.

王子和首领,世上一切的审判官,都是藉我掌权。By me princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges of the earth.

军事专权往往会使掌权的人道德败坏。Absolute military power tends to deprave those who are in control.

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看哪、必有一王凭公义行政.必有首领藉公平掌权。Behold, a king will reign righteously And princes will rule justly.

如果现在掌权的是汤姆斯而非奥利弗,又会有何不同?If Thomas sat here now, instead of Oliver, what would be different?

由逊尼多数派愤怒掌权,将会带来极大风险。The risk of a vengeful takeover by the Sunni majority is too great.