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我马上打电话给除虫大队。I'll call the exterminators right away.

我还竞选大队委了呢!I also campaigned for the production brigade to entrust!

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泉港边防大队的一位负责人对记者说。Quangang border for a group of people said to reporters.

我们大队现在有五十四条船,包括一些机帆船。Our brigade now has 54 boats, including a few motor junks.

孝感市孝南区交通大队地址???。Xiao Gan City Xiao Nan District traffic agency address? ? ?

该局稽查大队受理此事。This game of examiner production brigade accepts this matter.

我们不小心没有跟上去东京成田机场的大队。We have just missed the big group going to the Narita airport.

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跨过183小时的门槛对F-22综合测试大队意味着什么?What did it mean to the F-22 CTF to surpass the 183-hour mark?

她又找到曹政委,决议退出县大队。She again find cao commissar, resolution exit county battalion.

但是,对于黄蜂大队也好,对那个犹如脱缰野马的世界而言,一切都开始有所转变了。But things were changing for the WASP and for the world at large.

现在联系地球上的第一攻击大队,给我接通哈灵顿上校!Contact Attack Group One on Earth now, get me Captain Harrington!

即某市公安局刑侦大队实习生李某致人轻伤案。Be that case of the probationer causing somebody slight wound case.

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每个大队有一个卫生站以名义上的成本提供医疗服务。Each brigade has a health station giving medical care at nominal cost.

如果说“模仿”是最诚挚的“奉承”,那么苹果屁股后面的拍马大队已经蜂拥成群了。If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, Apple has it in droves.

他在当地的大队农场工作,默默养育着他的家庭。He worked on the local collective farm and quietly supported his family.

每个大队有个宣传队负责政治教育。A propaganda team in each brigade is responsible for political education.

随行的又有大队车辆和兵马,声势非常浩荡。Chariots and horsemen also went up with him. It was a very large company.

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该大队中有两名女性,由中国人民解放军空军飞行员中选拔产生。The two womenare pilots drawn from the People's Liberation Army Air Force.

江都特警大队接案后迅速开展侦破工作,并于22日将两个嫌疑人抓获。The police went into investigation quickly and caught 2 suspects on Feb. 22.

今天,我非常荣幸地站在这里参加本届大队委的竞选。Today, my election very honoured to stand here joining this group committee.