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请勿触摸展品。Don't touch the exhibits.

他们很不赞成新展品。They deprecated the new exhibit.

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据称,这些展品的价值上百万美元,有些镶嵌名贵宝石。Some are encrusted with precious stones.

展馆的核心展品是法国的花园。Gardens are the centerpiece of the pavilion.

展品是依照流派陈列的。The exhibits were arranged according to schools.

展品大都没有放在玻璃展柜里。Things are not in glass cases to a great extent.

它们有许多优良的陈列品和吸引人的展品。They have good exhibits and fascinating displays.

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最后我们参观了天津历史展品。Finally we visited the history exhibit of Tianjin.

其中的大部分展品都是首次在这里展出。Most of them are exhibited here for the first time.

条件参观者不可触摸展品。Visitors are requested not to touch the exhitrifles.

我喜欢这件展品的华丽和耀眼。I loved the magnificence of bling this piece exhibits.

博物馆中的展品常摆放在玻璃橱里。Exhibits in museums are often displayed in glass cases.

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这是所有展品中,我认为最容易实现的了,也很有爱。There are always flowers for those who want to see them.

当他从博物馆偷盗一件展品时被当场捉住。He was surprised when he stole an exhibit from the museum.

展品的品名,机器型号,数量,及单价。Exact name of item, Model of machine, quantity, unit price.

另一件展品是长着酷似米老鼠耳朵的小型耶稣像。Another depicts Christ as a figurine with Mickey Mouse ears.

这些展品中包括一些中世纪陶器精品。Among the exhibits are some fine examples of medieval pottery.

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然而,大部分的展品就是要愚弄观者。In most of the show, however, fooling the viewer is the focus.

中国的展品在历届世博会上获得过很多奖项。Chinese exhibits won many prizes in previous world expositions.

国家展馆就好像科学展上的学生展品。National pavilions are like student exhibits at a science fair.