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所以世间的荣华富贵绝不能贪图啊!So the world the splendor can never covet!

因著信心,摩西离弃了荣华富贵。By faith, Moses turned his back on prosperity.

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人世间所有的荣华富贵不如一个好同学。All the splendor in the state is not worth a bad friend.

狗来富,如果一条狗走进你家,你就会荣华富贵。Well, Dingo didn't make me rich the day he walked into my home.

“南柯一梦”比喻世间荣华富贵不过是一场空梦。It means that all the wealth in the world is nothing but a dream.

人世间的一切荣华富贵不及一个好朋友。All the splendor in the world splendor in less than a good friend.

小人因为想荣华富贵,所以贪得到无厌。Because the villain thinks the nabobism, therefore obtains corruptly not tires.

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朱漆的门窗更能突显她家的荣华富贵。The vermilion gates and windows better highlight the wealth and rank of her family.

贫儿汤姆穿着王子的衣服在王宫里尽享荣华富贵,还当上了英国的新国王。The pauper Tom worn a prince's clothes in the palace and became the new king of the Great Britain.

他写的东西告诉你,你可以变富有,可以过荣华富贵的生活,仍可以当一个基督徒。He writes stuff showing how you can be a rich person and enjoy nice things,and still be a Christian.

他白手起家,通过努力工作,奋发图强,最终得到荣华富贵。Somebody starts out poor and makes his way through hard work and dedication and effort to riches and success.

我何必为一个婢女放弃做妃子的荣华富贵呢。Do I why the absence for give up the reputation credit and riches of doing the regal concubine as a maidservant.

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你是过腻了荣华富贵、恣意享乐的生活。难道你不能找几件吃苦的事儿,安心地留下来吗?You are sick of prosperity and indulgence. Cannot you invent a few hardships for yourself, and be contented to stay?

先是说些云山雾海神仙玄幻之事,后便说到红尘中荣华富贵。Prior others, told some hyperphenomena about immortals amid Sea of Brume , then the nabobism in the World of Ruber Dust.

人世间一切荣华富贵都不如一个知心朋友,朋友,在这辞旧迎新的日子里,祝你一切都好!In the world all splendor riches and honour than a bosom friends, friends, in this new day, wish you everything goes well!

所以作为回应,像茶党这样的运动提出了唯一国荣华富贵,他国经济零增长的观点。In response, movements like the Tea Party promote a zero-sum view of the international economy in which only one country can be prosperous.

他自己的父亲死后,他又得到了另一个王国,从此便过着荣华富贵的生活。He died a year later, and then he had the whole kingdom, and after the death of his father, another one as well. And he had a glorious life.

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先是说些云山雾海神仙玄幻之事,后便说到红尘中荣华富贵。Be prior, some hyperphenomena were told about immortals amid mountains above the Sea of Brume , then the nabobism in the World of Ruber Dust.

世间的财、色、名、食、睡,都是很吸引我们,娇妻美眷,荣华富贵,谁不想要!The world's wealth, color, name, food, sleep, are very attractive to us, Beautiful wife and handsome husband. high position and great wealth, who do not want to!

当年释迦牟尼佛舍妻抛子,放下所有的荣华富贵一个人到雪山苦行,后来觉悟中道终于证得佛果。When Sakyamuni Buddha wife throw, drop all the glory, splendour, wealth and rank of a person to the snow mountain ascetic, then consciousness finally have the Buddha's path.