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有没有自我奋斗的成功秘籍?Are there any true secrets of the self-made?

秘籍1、高权重的手机论坛。Cheats 1, the high weight of the phone forum.

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我对1000年前某个中国人的古老“武功秘籍”没兴趣。I'm not interested in the 1000 year old "secrets"of One Hung Lo.

这些所谓的秘籍其实是最基本的,但是又是非常有效的。These are all pretty basic productivity tips, but they’re very effective.

大伙们,快去翡翠宫!虎胆五侠里会有人拿到神龙秘籍!Everyone! Get to the Jade Palace! One of the Five is gonna get the Dragon Scroll!

三十岁之后,床头摆的是跟庄秘籍、ELLE和经理人的个人魅力。After 30, The Recipe on Stocks, ELLE and Manager's Charm occupy the head of my bed.

牛肉汤的清与浊是检验牛肉面是否正宗的秘籍之一。The clarity of the beef broth is the way to check if the beef noodles are authentic.

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这款模拟游戏会教授你所有技巧,以及货运行业的秘籍。This management game will teach you all the skills and secrets of the trucking business.

保持健康向上的幽默感,还有在抽屉里藏一瓶龙舌兰,就算是我的解压秘籍了。I find that it helps to keep a healthy sense of humor and a bottle of Patron in my desk drawer.

说是秘籍却也不很复杂只是对很多人都很有效,包括我自己。These tips are not complicated, but they’ve proven very effective for myself and countless others.

不允许使用任何作弊秘籍。这些秘籍的使用,对于没有使用它们的人是不公平的。No cheats, hacks or mods that would give you an unfair advantage over a player who didn't use them.

训狗秘籍与吠叫机提供了大量技巧和窍门训练你四条腿的朋友。Dog Tricks and Bark Machine provides owners with helpful tips and tricks for training your four-legged friend.

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今天我在吉姆约翰餐厅吃中饭,注意到墙上写的“股神巴菲特十大致富秘籍”。Today I had lunch at Jimmy John’s and noticed a sign on the wall that showed Warren Buffet’s list of 10 Rules.

这个秘籍用来清除上一作弊码设置的用地分类,并将用地重置回适当的价值。This clears any "changeLotClassification" cheat used on the lot and sets the lot class to the correct calculated value.

在每部影片中,德田重男总是以一位白发性爱大师的身份出现,为从护士到秘书等身份不一的女孩们传授房中秘籍。In each, Tokuda plays a gray-haired master of sex who teaches his ways to an assortment of young nurses and secretaries.

吸烟者可应邀在营内体验戒烟方法,能得到专家传授的戒烟“秘籍”。Smokers are invited to experience methods to break their habit in the camps and receive help to quit smoking from experts.

这个秘籍用来批改用地的分类,该分类将一向浸染到输进下矣闽作弊码为止。This changes the lot classification of the lot. The lot will remain this classification until the following cheat is used.

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为了让你的学习过程节省点时间,这里和你分享打商务电话的八条秘籍。To save you some time on this learning curve, here are eight points you need to consider before making any business calls.

那些酷爱网游的学生们,可以到这些网站去找游戏秘籍或攻略。These are reference websites for students who want to get inside knowledge or playing tips about their favorite online games.

很显然从一开始,乔就是麦凯恩应对大选前最后一次交锋时武功秘籍中的一招。It was clear from the outset that he was part of McCain's secret arsenal on this the last debate encounter before election day.