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这是天色已晚。It is getting late.

天色灰蒙蒙的。The sky was overcast.

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天色阴郁。The weather is gloomy.

天色很晚,我必须走了。It's late,I must be off.

我到家时天色已晚。It was late when I got home.

还一个人,都不会天色长蓝。Also a person, are not blue-sky.

下雪了,天色渐暗。It was snowing, and getting dark.

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天色渐暗,咱们回家吧。It's getting dark. Let's go home.

十二月很冷,天色也黑。In December, it's cold, it's dark.

天色已晚而且你也累了。It's late at night and you're tired.

象一位慈爱的母亲,见天色已晚。As a fond mother, when the day iso'er.

天色变暗了,但仍然看的见车痕。It darkens but the track is still seen.

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黄昏过后,天色很快地黑下来了。After sunset , the sky darkened rapidly.

神未曾应许天色常蓝。God hath not promised skies always blue.

虽然天色已晚,但他继续工作。Although it was late, he went on working.

阴天或晴天,天色阴晴都美。Cloudy or sunny , beautiful all the same.

暗下来的天色,也正强调时间的流逝。Dusk helped emphasising the pass of time.

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天色已晚,我得赶紧回家了。It is getting dark, so I must hurry home.

何必要筑桥在天色已晚?Why build you the bridge at the eventide?

一个冬天的早晨,天色出格阴晦。It was morning but the winter sky was dark.