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他们正在学习怎样在野外工作和生存。They are learning how to survive in a jangle.

地质学家,我们大部分时间在野外工作。As geologist, we work in the field most of the time.

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作为地质学家,我们大部分时间在野外工作。As geologists, we work in the fied most of the time.

他长年累月在大西北从事野外工作。Year in year out he has been doing fieldwork in the Northwest.

太阳镜能在阳光下保护你的眼睛,特别是你在野外工作的时候。Can sunglass in sunlight to protect your eyes, especially when you work in the field.

多余的被毛,棉花一样的质地,总之,与野外工作不相称的地方都属于缺陷。Overabundance of coat, or cottony texture, impractical for field work should be penalized.

英国可卡犬有许多羽状饰毛,但不会多到影响他在野外工作。The English Cocker is well-feathered, but not so profusely as to interfere with field work.

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但对该方法具体野外工作条件的合理搭配尚无统一的规范。A unitive criterion about the field work condition of the method has not been established until now.

以甘肃北山地区某铜铁矿测量为例,说明在野外工作中,做适当的数据处理,可降低这种影响。In field work, therefore, proper data-processing should be conducted so as to reduce such influence.

本文提出的随井追踪法是三极梯度法中的一种野外工作方法。The follow-well track method presented in this paper is a field working method of the triode-gradient method.

国际山地综合发展中心的科学家们表示,这样的措施属于资源密集型,需要大量的野外工作和维护。Such measures are resource intensive and require much detailed fieldwork and maintenance, say ICIMOD scientists.

戴维C布莱克本,一位来自哈佛大学的生物学家,在喀麦隆指挥野外工作时偶然遇见了这些青蛙。David C. Blackburn, a biologist at Harvard University, came across the frogs while conducting fieldwork in Cameroon.

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年,投身古生物事业的年轻学者周明镇被介绍到怀俄明参加古新世哺乳动物野外工作。A young scholar involved in paleontology in 1950, Minchen Chow, was introduced to field work on Paleocene mammals in Wyoming.

大量的野外工作发现,郯庐断裂带存在早、晚两期韧性剪切带。According to lots of field works, two phases of sinistral strike-slip ductile shear belts were found in the Tan-Lu fault zone.

以前,所有的校正工作都是经人工计算的,它花费的时间比野外工作的时间还要长得多。In earlier times all these necessary corrections had to be calculated by hand and took much more time than the work in the field.

在野外工作的基础上全面叙述了地层的岩相特征、沉积体系、古流向等。The authors describe in details its features such as the surface form, petrologic features, depositional system , palaeo-flow etc.

然后对折射波野外信息采集进行了仔细说明。针对堤坝病害这一具体探查对象进行了较为细致地野外工作方法先容。Aim at the dike diseases, the thesis have a careful elucidation to the information collected of the refraction in the open country.

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分类命名简单而易掌握,给学生野外工作提供了方便。Classifications and nomenclatures are simple and apt to be grasped, especially, suitable and convenient for students to apply in field.

好的方面是,随后的数据收集工作名正言顺的落到了坦桑尼亚籍的野外工作人员身上。The good thing about it was that the responsibility for data collection went straightaway, the following day, to the Tanzanian field staff.

认为充分分析矿区地质物性条件,合理布置野外工作是取得找矿突破的重要前提。It is considered that geologic condition in the mining area and rational field working is an important prerequisite to the prospecting breakthrough.