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浓缩的肉和蔬菜汤罐头、罐头水果果汁、和蔬菜Canned fruits, fruit juices, and vegetables

不管妈妈当时是否正手拿一柄长木勺在汤罐旁边忙碌着,我都知道我已经到家了。Whether Mama was standing over the pot stirring with a long wooden spoon or not, I knew I was home.

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但汤罐里的美味菜肴所饱含的那种圣洁的爱心和信心至今依然温暖着我的心。But the godly love and assurance that bubbled amidst its savory ingredients still warms my heart today.

妈妈下葬后那天,汤罐下面的气门被关上了,一个灿烂辉煌的时代随着火焰一起消逝了。Someone turned off the gas under the minestrone pot the day after Mama was buried, and a glorious era passed with the flame.

我墙对墙的搜寻了三次之后,才在谷类和面包盒子的中间,汤罐头的上边发现了一罐。It took me three wall-to-wall searches before I found a can nestled between boxes of cereal and bread, on top of some soup cans.

最后他起来打开一个汤罐时,他才发现自己身上还带着老鼠,它现在醒过来了并安然自得地栖息在他的肩头。When finally he got up to open a can of soup, the rat came with him, awake now and discovering its natural perch on his shoulder.

他的一些作品您可能早已认识,像是康宝浓汤罐的图画或玛丽莲梦露的各幅肖像。It is likely that you already know a few of his works, such as the Campbell's soup can painting or the portraits of Marilyn Monroe.

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他的一些作品您可能早已认识,像是康宝浓汤罐的图画或玛丽莲梦露的各幅肖像。It is likely that you already know a few of his works, such as the Campbell's soup can painting or the portraits3 of Marilyn Monroe.

在我看来这样做很有创意也颇为讽刺,沃霍尔最引人注目的艺术品之一竟是关于坎贝尔汤罐头的。For one I thought it was very creative and ironic since one of the most noticed of Warhol's art is the one of the Campbell soup cans.

然而,曾经有一个时期,妈妈的汤罐使我感到很困窘,因为我担心它会使我失去在学校结交的新朋友索尔。At one time, however, Mama's soup pot became a source of embarrassment to me, for I feared it would COST me a new friend I had made at school.

联合广场同意,当十月初这个雕塑撤下的时候,将把未开封的汤罐头继续用以食用。The Union Square Partnership had agreed to save any of the unopened soup to give to a food pantry when the statue’s run ends in early October.

他们簇拥在从乡下来的虫商周围,一边掀开汤罐头大小的圆筒的盖子检视每只蟋蟀的腿脚和大颚,一边讨价还价。They huddle over suppliers from the countryside, haggling as they lift lids on soup-can-size cylinders to inspect each occupant's legs and jaws.

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没有哪个小孩家的炉子上有这样一个汤罐,也没有哪个小孩的妈妈一看见你进屋就让你坐下来,在你的面前放上一只碗和一把汤勺。No other kids had such pots on their stoves, nor did they have a mama whose first action upon seeing you enter the house was to sit you down with a spoon and bowl.

流行艺术家利用流行的和商业的标志,沃霍尔为坎贝尔公司的汤罐头画的那些肖像家喻户晓,我对此当然是很熟悉的。I was familiar of course with the exploitation of emblems of popular and commercial labels by the pop artists, and Warhol's portraits of Campbell's soup cans were legendary.

蜜色硬木地板仍保留着植物纹路,中性的沙发和红色丝绸抱枕的组合对应了汤罐头的外观设计。The honey hardwood of the floor is also picked up in the mats of the botanical prints, while the neutral sofa provides the ideal home for a pair of soup can-red silk pillows.

该文阐述了牛尾汤罐头的工艺制作,确定了关键工艺条件及制程控制点。This paper describes the processing technology of canned cow tail soup. It also presents the key processing parameters and quality requirements associated with canned cow tail soup.

既然你不能用手在一个很热的汤罐里调和一个美味的菜肴,那你就需要一个勺子来调和它。You cannot cook a dish more delicious with a stirrer but you technically cannot cook a dish without a stirrer since you are not able to use your hands to stir the dish in a hot pot.

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很快,大多数产品,从鞋子到汤罐,将内含一块体积很小的智能隐形芯片,而屏幕将成为我们与之进行沟通的工具。Very soon most manufactured items, from shoes to cans of soup, will contain a small sliver of dim intelligence, and screens will be the tool we use to interact with this transistorized information.