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各金融市场素有抵消经济政令影响的习惯。Markets have a way of undoing economic decrees.

同时他在国内发布自由主义的政令。He also issued liberal ukases on the home front.

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上周,巴格达方面就颁布政令,要求在公共建筑内全面禁烟。The government in Baghdad last week banned smoking in public buildings.

增强大局意识,确保政令畅通。To enhance overall situation consciousness, ensure that government decrees.

他2000年当选总统时的第一批政令中有一条就是恢复苏联国歌。One of the first decrees of his presidency in 2000 was to restore the Soviet national anthem.

该政令要求所有的瑞士银行都进行内部检查,并冻结任何相关帐户。The order requires all Swiss banks to examine their accounts and to freeze any which are covered.

然而如果他在下周的大选中获胜,可能就会出台一系列内容广泛的政令,这样就可以知道他的政令将是怎样的了。Yet if he wins next week, it could be with a sweeping mandate to decide, er, what his mandate will be.

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该国的中央政府贪污腐化横行,政令也无法到达这个国家偏远的角落。Its central government was corrupt in places, and ineffective at policing the country’s distant corners.

印度尼西亚政府颁发政令,将FETP纳入卫生部人力资源培养战略。The FETP was included in the Ministry of Health workforce development strategy through governmental decree.

批评者们说,这项政令将使司机愈感困惑,可能使司机忘记到底该在道路的哪一侧行车。Critics say the switch will add further confusion with drivers likely to forget which side they're supposed to be on.

本篇论文将依据英国女王伊利莎白一世和英国国王詹姆士一世所颁布的政令文告来探讨这些议题。This paper will investigate these issues based on the evidence found in the proclamations issued by Elizabeth I and James I.

巴勒斯坦民族自治机构主席阿巴斯23日颁布政令,要求约旦河西岸、东耶路撒冷和加沙地带的巴勒斯坦人在2010年1月24日举行巴民族权力机构主席和巴立法委选举。Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas signed a decree Friday calling for presidential and parliamentary elections on January 24.

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现在审查这样的政令需要经过十项程序,其中包括考虑如何将它们传达给大众。There will be a 10-stage process for vetting such orders that will include thinking about how to communicate them to the public.

委内瑞拉最高法院星期四说,马杜罗发布政令,在60天内扩大总统在经济领域的权限,这种做法符合法律的规定。The court ruled Thursday that Maduro's decree granting the president expanded authority over the economy for 60 days is legitimate.

介绍了电子政务中的实时信息通讯技术,引入无线移动通讯平台,嵌入办公自动化系统,实现政令的实时上传与下达。With the wireless mobile communication platform embedded in the OA system The command is able to be well informed and reported in time.

开展行政效能监察,有利于遏止腐败行为,推动经济建设发展,促进政令畅通。Carrying on administrative efficiency supervision is benefit to prevent corruption, promote economic development and make policy go smooth.

对个人自由的限制本来就相当严格,中国人似乎很反感再强加一条政令。With restrictions on individual freedom already so tightly monitored, the Chinese appear weary to have one more government mandate imposed.

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联邦委员会新闻发言人安德烈的西蒙纳奇于周五通报瑞士国家新闻署说道,联邦委员会已颁布了适当政令。The Federal Council has issued an appropriate order, Federal Council press spokesman André Simonazzi informed the news agency SDA on Friday.

奥巴马签署了两项政令和三项旨在提高政府透明度、加强行为规范的总统备忘录。Mr. Obama signed two executive orders and three presidential memoranda aimed at making government more transparent and tightening ethics rules.

在其他的两项政令中,他禁止对所有美国囚犯用刑,并开始复查那些仍被扣押在关塔那摩的案件。In two other executive orders, he is to ban torture by all US personnel and initiate a review of the cases of all those still held at Guantánamo.