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结果是主观主义与相对主义。The result is subjectivism and relativism.

这是主观主义和相对主义的横行。This is subjectivism and relativism run amuck.

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而且,这也是道义主观主义者的论点。And it's an argument from moral arbitrarianists.

这样说并不能完全驳倒说我们是主观主义的责难。This does not completely refute the charge of subjectivism.

我们要反对主观主义,就要宣传唯物主义,就要宣传辩证法。To combat subjectivism we must propagate materialism and dialectics.

教条主义、经验主义,两者都是主观主义,是从不同的两极发生的东西。Dogmatism and empiric ism alike are subjectivism each originating from an opposite pole.

但由于其方法过于注重假设,易倾向于主观主义、怀疑主义。However, its too much stress on hypothesis made it prone to subjectivism and skepticism.

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客观主义和主观主义的基本要点与形而上学历史学视域中的相同。Objectivism and subjectivism has the similar main points with that of metaphysical history.

1958年前后流行的一些观念、口号充分表现出主观主义的猖獗。Some thoughts and slogans prevalent around 1958 fully displayed the rampancy of subjectivism.

当代的福音派则藉著宗教的主观主义,来寻求一个与现代性妥协的道路。Contemporary evangelicalism has sought a middle way with modernity via religious subjectivism.

主要的民法典文本或契约法文本没有任何一个完全贯彻客观主义或主观主义。None of main versions of civil code or contract law wholly embodied subjectivism or objectivism.

这使得我们许多同志蒙受了主观主义思想的毒害,发生麻木的现象。It allows many of our comrades to be poisoned by subjectivist ideas, which numb their sensitivity.

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客观主义与主观主义方法在认识和解决贫困问题的各个环节上产生影响。The objective method and the subjective method act on each aspect of knowing and solving poverty problems.

“主观主义”具有两种意义,而我们的反对者只是接触到其中的一个而已。The word "subjectivism" is to be understood in two senses, and our adversaries play upon only one of them.

对这类主观主义,福音派基督徒在某方面来说,是走在一般人前面的。Evangelical Christians were, in certain respects, ahead of the curve when it came to this sort of subjectivism.

与错误倾向作斗争,必须坚持正确的思想路线,反对主观主义和形而上学。To fight against wrong trend, we must adhere to the correct ideological line and oppose subjectivism and metaphysics.

在普遍真理与具体实际相结合这个问题上,我们党过去吃过许多亏,以后就一直抓住反对主观主义这一条。On the question of integrating the universal truth with concrete practice , our party suffered a great deal in the past.

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主观主义就是不从客观实际出发,不从现实可能性出发,而是从主观愿望出发。Subjectivism means proceeding not from objective reality and from what is actually possible, but from subjective wishes.

法律经济学在方法论上,走上了主观主义、个人主义和单纯效率最大化的歧途。In the aspect of methodology, legal economy goes astray into the subjectivism, individualism and maximum of simple efficiency.

在我看来,说“我是个主观主义者”或者“我是个客观主义者”就如同说“我是个先知”或者“我是一个倾听者”,但两者并非一致。To say, “I am a subjectivist,” or “I am an objectivist,” is in my opinion like saying, “I am a seer,” or “I am a listener,” but not both.