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好了,现在要一个全音级Well, I need a whole step.

上面一全音级是什么What's a whole step above C?

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这就是我想要的,一个全音级There's my one. I need a whole step.

好了,降A后是一个全音级Okay, I need, now, a whole step above A-flat.

这种基本的口琴是一种全音的乐器。The basic harmonica is a diatonic instrument.

所以,为了奏出优美的全音,我需要时间去放松。To get a full sound, I need times when I can ease off.

我们从C开始,然后上升到D,一个全音级So, we start on C and then we go up to D-- a whole step.

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三全音被括弧起来和衍生的六音阶也加在旁边。The tritones are bracketed , and the derivative pentatonic scale written alongside.

三全音和八度音一直上升到键盘上最高的F音,又在八分音符中下降。Tritoni and octaves walk up to the highest F on the keyboard and down again in quavers.

从以前的标准看相邻音之间的关系是一个全音或半音。The relationship of adjacent notes in all the previous scales is a whole-step or half-step.

上升到G,然后再一个全音级上升到A,再一个全音级上升到BI got to go up to G and then another whole step up to A and then another whole step up to B.

压全音要继续增加口腔的空间用更强的气流来实现。Continue to large the volume of your mouth and breathe in a stronger flow to achieve full bending.

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现在开始有点感觉了,不过对于3孔,怎么控制压全音和压半音呢?I have had some experience of bending on hole 3. How to control the half bending and full bending?

当希腊人安排好,五度音程,四度音程和全音级后,他们还有一些剩余After the Greeks laid out their fifths and fourths and whole steps, they had these little leftovers.

歌曲中采用了大量的三全音和半音,为作品营造了一抹特有的沉重愁惨意味。The use of tritones and semitones is paramount throughout this work to give it its distinctly poignant flavour.

“音块”就是把全音、半音或微分音叠置起来,而形成一种新的集合体。"Block Music" is the whole tone, semitone or tone overlay with differential, and the formation of a new collection.

是一个全音级,这里是半个,这里是另外半个,这就到了F,F之后一个全音级,就到了GWell, a whole step here--there's one half, there's another half, would take us to F, whole step above F, would take us to G.

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我们从这里开始,大调模式是这样,它经过,全音,全音,半音,全音,全音,全音,半音级We're going to start here and we have this pattern of the major that goes whole, whole, half, whole, whole, whole, half step.

而这里写的是一个全音级,所以我们要在这里标出,从D到降E只有半音级What we've written is a whole step, so we've got to indicate that this is just a half step away in that fashion, D to E-flat.

另外,由于这个体系比预想的还好用,于是他们转而采用九比八的比例,从而得到了全音They also, because the system worked out better for their purposes, then jumped to nine to eight, which gave them the whole tone.