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我们既不想被高看,也不想被看低。We neither want to be looked up to nor down upon.

真是个让人高看一眼的家伙啊!The men are not shy with him, and Jim is a noticing lad.

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他也一定高看他儿子了,我对一个五岁的男孩子会去学习包粽子持百分之百的怀疑态度。And I believed that my son would not like to learn how to wrap Zongzi.

请勿过于高看创新,是时候正视山寨的力量了。Innovation is overrated. It's time to appreciate the power of the copycat.

在这一点上你可以好好的高看我一眼,但记住,自然法则掌管一切。You must think pretty highly of me, at this point. But keep in mind that Mother Nature rules all.

我真是希望未来,不管走到哪里,让别人把中国服装高看一眼。I really hope that in the future, no matter where I go, let others take a look at China's clothing.

所有产品按价格分类,可以由低到高看或相反。All goods are sorted by price, you can view the product list by lowest price or highest price order.

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所以,要开心,最低也得有兴趣或者能够娱乐大众的兴致,这样周围的人才会于不经意间高看你一眼。Be cheerful, or at least be entertaining or interesting, and people can't help but think highly of you.

在这一点上你可以好好的高看我一眼,但记住,自然法则掌管一切。我依旧是一个普通人。You must think pretty highly of me, at this point. But keep in mind that Mother Nature rules all. I'm still human.

自信是对自己的能力,才干正确的估计,既不高看,也不低估自己。Self-confidence is their ability and competence correct estimate is neither a high view, do not underestimate themselves.

说我普通是因为我没有让人羡慕的美丽,没有让人高看的学历!Said I ordinary am because I have not let the beauty which the human envies , has not let human Gao Kan the school record!

穆里尼奥非常高看特里的领袖气质,上个赛季结束时他甚至让特里在切尔西参加培训。Mourinho rates his leadership qualities so highly he even asked him to take a training session at Chelsea at the end of last season.

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我无意冒犯2003年英国公开赛的冠军,但我比较确信,在你心中的莱德杯赛,关于老虎伍兹和本·柯尔兹,你还是会高看老虎一眼。No offense to the 2003 British Open winner, but I'm fairly certain you'd take Tiger over Ben Curtis in your Ryder Cup fantasy draft.

作为一个印度人,听到奥巴马总统这么高看印度的男生,还有他们适应世界变化的抱负,我无比高兴。As an indian I feel elated in terms of President Obama's appreciation of Indian boys and their aspiration to live up with the changing world environments.

站的高看的远,开扩自己的视野,在现代化建设的大舞台上充分发挥个人才智。Can help one stand tall and aim far, broaden one's vision and give full play to one's intelligence and wisdom on the broad arena of the modernization drive.

阿伯丁大学的研究发现,如果女性看到另外一个美女在朝一名男性微笑、抛媚眼,那她就会高看他一等。University of Aberdeen research found that women are more likely to rate a man highly if they see another woman smiling at him and throwing him admiring glances.