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酸腐蚀金属。Acid eats into metal.

酸腐蚀金属物。Acid bites into metals.

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酸腐蚀金属。The acid gnaws the metal.

我的上衣被酸性的东西腐蚀了个洞。Acid ate holes in my suit.

铁制工具易受腐蚀。Iron tools corrode easily.

金属为酸所腐蚀。Metals is eroded by acids.

金属能被酸腐蚀。Metals are eroded by acids.

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酸使金属腐蚀。Acid causes metal to corrode.

腐蚀者用于攻击空中单位。The corruptor attacks air units.

这种腐蚀也是电池腐蚀。This corrosion is also galvanic.

可抗腐蚀,石油和水。Resists corrosion, oil, and water.

电池酸腐蚀了发动机。Battery acid had eroded the engine.

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进食紊乱症腐蚀牙釉质Eating Disorders Erode Tooth Enamel

酸把这块金属腐蚀穿了。The acid has eaten through the metal.

某种物质腐蚀的速度。The rate at which an object corrodes.

这个金属框已被慢慢腐蚀了。Rust has eaten away at the metal frame.

已知硫酸和硫酸盐能腐蚀金属。And sulfates are known to corrode metals.

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黄色电影腐蚀人们的灵魂。Blue cinema corrupts the souls of people.

腐蚀斑点属于应力集中。Corrosion pits are stress concentrations.

他的堂弟是个被钱腐蚀的懦夫。His cousin was a coward corroded by money.