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我实在饿得够呛,一匹马都吃的下。I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.

关节炎把她折腾得够呛。Her arthritis troubles her greatly.

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春运真把我折腾的够呛!The Spring-transport really fucked me up!

这些年我们为了钱,被折腾得够呛。We've been really hard hit for money these years.

在一些时候,我在推的时候,想着,”你这个人真够呛!Sometimes as I push, I think, You're a terrible person!

没有我在身边,他忙得够呛。His hands are quite full enough without having me around.

我看看这位农民,看看犁,又看看他那累得够呛的老婆。I stared at the peasant, at the plow, at his toil-worn wife.

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他一开始并没说什么。正因为如此,我才被折磨得够呛。He doesn't say anything at first and that just about kills me.

长途汽车在很糟糕的公路上行驶,把乘客们颠得够呛。The coach jolted its passengers terribly over the miserable road.

争得够呛,弄得咱们一晚上没眨眼皮。The couple had a heck of an argument and kept us awake all night.

完美的半天就这样宣告泡汤了,想想真的够呛的!Perfectly half bath on this announcement, and think of really enough to choke!

这些石板——也就是微软说的平板电脑,已经被iPad打压得够呛。These “slates” — as Microsoft calls tablets — have gotten trounced by the iPad.

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安东尼肯定被揍得够呛。如果他受伤,这都是我的错。Anthony ' s gonna be pounded into mush. It ' ll be all my fault if he gets hurt.

我敢打赌他够呛。还有约翰尼·米勒——我倒很想让约翰尼·米勒尝两口。I bet he would. And Johnny Miller—I wish could see Johnny Miller tackle it once.

原因倒不在于你有没有约会,而是我看你正冷得够呛。It is not the engagement, but the severe cold with which I perceive you are afflicted.

迪亚拉被短信、电话和各种其他通讯方式打扰得够呛——他生气了!Lassana has been swamped with texts, phone-calls and all sorts of messages. He's not happy!

所以他把我撞得真是够呛,但我表现出关心的只是我那借来的照相机。Now he hit me pretty hard, but the only concern I was shown was for the camera I was borrowing.

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他们开始进入了地中海地区,而这一举动把他们的竞争对手也吓得够呛They start getting into the Mediterranean and that scares the hell out of their commercial rivals.

每次你的想法和意愿都要我来猜真的是把我累得够呛,所以请你把你的想法说出来,告诉我。It is very frustrating trying to guess at what you're feeling and what you want, so please, tell me.

大部分的人口连养活自己都够呛更何况是捐钱给别人呢。Most of the population cant even afford to get by themselves let alone donate for the welfare of others.