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它生活在石缝里、山泉边,大名叫石蟹。Stone crab is its proper name.

这眼山泉干涸了。The mountain spring has run dry.

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管着万道清清的山泉。Who controlled thousand of clean springs.

山泉知道,现在刚过了收小麦的季节。Spring know, now just over the harvest wheat season.

村民只好用胶管把山泉引下来。The villagers had to use the hose to lead off spring.

“你说呢,”山泉故意用一口外地口音反问道。" What do you say, " spring to a foreign accent asked.

山泉汇入月沼,又汇入南湖。Import spring months marsh, but also import South Lake.

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可能是山泉的一身装束让少年有了这样的念头。May be spring a costume so that teenagers have such idea.

不知何时,山泉的眼前出现了一个十二三岁的少年。I do not know when, spring eyes appeared in a dozen teenager.

一头大象看到这一情景后,便每天用长鼻汲来山泉浇灌。An elephant saw it and water this sprout every day by its nose.

过了一会儿,那三位律师到了一处山泉水池旁边,他们停下来,让马喝水。Soon the three lawyers who had ridden ahead stopped at a spring to

该寺山泉水池内的鱼有10余个品种,均是从寺后西山的暗河中流出的。There are more than 10 kinds of fishes in the pond of mountain spring water.

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哦,来一大杯酒,充满南国的温暖,充满真切鲜红的山泉之灵。O for a beaker full of the warm South, Full of the true, the blushful Hippocrene.

这乡下的水库以及清流的山泉,我记住了!This is the countryside as well as the clear stream of spring reservoir, I remember!

酌向素瓷浑不变,乍疑花气扑山泉”。Discretion to the Su-porcelain muddy unchanged, Chad rush the suspect spring flowers.

一股细细的山泉沿着窄窄的石缝叮叮咚咚往下流淌,也不知道过了多少年,竟然在岩石上冲刷出一个鸡蛋大小的浅坑。A small mountain spring ran tinkling down the narrow stone crevices. Many years passed.

大龙湫瀑布举世闻名,是雁荡山泉瀑流水之最。Da Long Pool is well known in the world and is the most beautiful one in Yan Dang Mountain.

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本文选择山泉镇这个具有代表性的地区,作比较深入的研究。The thesis chooses Shanquan Town, the representative of the areas, to conduct further study.

瓶装水,不管它是山泉还是蒸馏水,有没有点甜,都是用来喝的对吧?Bottled water, whether it is spring or distilled water, is there some sweet, are used to drinking, right?

女人呀,当你料理家务时,手足齐唱,犹如山泉在卵石间的欢歌。Woman, when you move about in your household service your limbssing like a hill stream among its pebbles.