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面子健忘症。Face amnesia.

这就是荣誉,一个人的面子That's honor, personal honor.

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听你这么说,觉得很有面子。I feel flattered hear you that.

一定要顾到他人的面子。Let the other person save face.

他为他的父母争了很多面子。He did much credit to his parents.

他为他的恩人争了很多面子。He did much credit to his patrons.

给人留面子是基本要求。Saving face is a fundamental value.

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你把他们带过来让我没面子。You bought it here trub it my face.

我给他们留了面子,我担心他们会哭。I give them face, I'm afraid them to cry.

给上帝一个面子吧,这个女人是该类型角色的一个标志性人物。The woman is a trailblazer, for god’s sake.

一口地道的伦敦腔,倍儿有面子。A typical cockney , time of son has the face.

面子是别人给的,脸却是自己挣的。Face is others, the face is earned by himself.

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如果你比她聪明,她没面子。If you are smarter than her, she'll lose face.

这个纸口袋里装的全是药面子。The paper bag is filled with powdered medicine.

一会儿客人到了,你一定要给足我面子,明白吗?When my guest comes, you put on a show with me.

他终于想出了一个保全面子的办法。He finally worked out a face-saving arrangement.

卡洛琳定位希拉身份给足面子。Carolyn manages Sheila's identity and saves face.

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但是我们要面子,我们的思维很简单,这一点,你们知道,我们也知道。But we are proud, simple creatures. You know that.

这条被子的里子和面子都是新的。Both the inside and the outside of the quilt are new.

杰夫因他的朋友不肯勤奋工作而丢了面子。Jeff will lose face if his friend fails to work hard.