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她临行前拥抱了儿子。She embraced her son before leaving.

他临行前给我写了一封字迹潦草的短信。He wrote me a scribbled letter before leaving.

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他几乎掩饰不住临行时的喜悦。He could hardly conceal his joy at his departure.

临行前,他给妹妹草草写了一封短信。He scribbled a note to his sister before leaving.

就在临行的前一天,我们还没制定出旅行计划。A day before departure we were still lacking an itinerary.

惜别伤离方寸乱,忘了临行,酒盏深和浅。Farewell to the wound leave way, forget her, gin deep and shallow.

临行前,他在她窗下站了整整一夜。Prior to departure, his next stop in her window for a whole night.

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其实早在临行之前,就有亲戚相劝叫他不要去了,两个孩子都病得不轻。A relative had warned him not to go, saying his children were too sick.

星期一来了,在临行前,她紧紧地拥抱着自己的丈夫,眼睛里充满了感激的泪水,感谢他的忠诚、他的耐心和他的爱。Monday morning arrived. Before she left, she embraced her husband tightly.

舅舅一家要离开小镇,临行之前,子君原谅了懦弱的舅舅。My uncle was a leaving town, before he left, zijun forgive the cowardice of uncle.

那个玩具牛是他临行前说起的最后一个话题。Talking about that toy bull was the last thing he said to me before bidding me farewell.

临行前,大宽希望肖扬能帮他找到女朋友于乐。Prior to departure, a large wide hopes can help him find his girlfriend Xiao Yang in music.

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昨晚临行告别的时候,我深深感觉到外婆内心的空落。They don't complain or feel regret for anything they did heart and soul for their children.

孙怀清看到孙少勇胸前插的那以钢笔,他想起了孙少勇临行前说过的话。Sun Huaiqing see Sun Shaoyong chest in the pen, he remembered Sun Shaoyong had said before he left.

临行前姨妈打电话给我告诉我她爱我并永远和我在一起。Aunt Estelle called me before I left to tell me that she loved me and that she would always be with me.

若想预防短途旅程中的晕车晕船症状,只需在临行前一至两个小时前服用一片即可。For the prevention of travel sickness on short journeys Take one tablet one or two hours before travel.

杨美莲分开了首尔回到乡下老家去,临行时分只要朴翰秀去车站送行。Return to the country YangMeiLian separated from Seoul, to the station at PiaoHanXiu tablet as send off.

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她们在临行前夕举行了一次告别宴会,她们的团长发表了告别讲话。On the eve of theirs departure you gave a fare notgood banquet or theirs head gave a gare notgood speech.

在临行辞别的时候,元帝才首次见到昭君的美貌。The Emperor consented to send Zhaojun. While bidding farewell. the Emperor saw Zhaojun for the first time.

她们在临行前夕举行了一次告别宴会,她们的团长发表了告别讲话。On the eve of theirs departure them gave a fare notwell banquet and theirs head gave a gare notwell speech.