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人们窃笑。They titter.

他又窃笑起来。He snickered again.

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侏儒窃笑。The dwarf sniggered.

我听到有人窃笑。I heard someone snicker.

她窃笑他干的蠢事。She snickered at his folly.

我身后有人在窃笑。Someone behind me snickered.

人群中发出了一阵窃笑。Some of the throng sniggered.

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“你疯了吧,”他忍不住窃笑。“You’re crazy, ” he chuckled.

他窃笑着说他会去的。He snickered that he would go.

几个男孩窃笑起来。Several of the boys tittered again.

她近边一个女人窃笑起来。A lady standing close to her tittered.

我不承认,虽然窃笑。I didn't recognize the snicker though.

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几个橄榄球队的学生窃笑起来。A couple of football players snickered.

有人窃笑,它会不会是一个求爱信号。Could it be a sexual signal, some snicker.

到了学校,同学们开始窃笑。At school, your classmates start to snicker.

有一只手举了起来,同时窃笑声逐渐消失。One hand went up as the snickering diminished.

她几乎笑出来,却化做一丝窃笑。She almost smiled, but it turned into a snicker.

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我对我自己窃笑之前回落睡着了。I snickered to myself before falling back asleep.

其他学生纷纷窃笑那位年轻人的问题。The students snickered at the young man's question.

当我回到座位上时,看到有些同学在窃笑。Some of the kids snickered as I returned to my seat.