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张贴在尉蓝里。Posted in the blue sky.

不许你在校园里张贴招聘海报。You will not list on this campus.

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不要在任何讨论版张贴此照片。Don't post this photo in any board.

请张贴在中山言论广场,谢谢!Please post at nsysu board, thanks!

写一些目标并张贴他们。Write out some goals and post them.

在线高得分张贴可得的。Online High-Score posting available.

他们在全国到处张贴布告。They placarded all over the country.

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在布告板上张贴通知。Stick up a notice on a bulletin board.

其中一幅由本人办事处张贴的横额。One of the banners put up by my office.

这一信息只在内部张贴。The position was posted internally only.

两个公人正在张贴文榜。Two runners are posting an announcement.

另外,请尽量不要跨板张贴同样的文章。Don't cross-post "The same post", please.

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如果他们得到标记您必须重新张贴。If they get flagged you must re-post them.

但我保证过不把它张贴到我的博客上。But I promised not to post them on my blog.

张贴的链接必须永久物。The posting of the links must be permanents.

他们会张贴招工信息,你自己去那儿看,They will post jobs and you can look on there

北街小学施工现场的张贴板报。A poster at the Beijie School construction site.

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我看到这张图片便不由自主地把它张贴出来。I saw this picture and couldn't resist posting it.

马戏团满城张贴广告。The circus placarded the city with advertisements.

布告牌上张贴了这封信的内容。A copy of the letter was posted on the noticeboard.