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梦幻仙翁是多姿的新娘!Seno is a splendid dream bride!

多姿桃是适合年轻饮用的酒。Dolcetto is the best wine consumed in young age.

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怎样才能让生命瑰丽多姿呢?How can I make magnificent variety of life then?

春到燕园,阳光下的生活多姿而温暖。As Spring comes, so does colorful life in the sun.

她穿着多采多姿的服装,像盛装的皇后一样。She was arrayed like a queen in her colorful dress.

烟火倒映在河面上,闪烁多姿。The reflections from the fireworks twinkled in the river.

每天发生的小小惊奇,让我们的生活如此多姿。It's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.

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水碧天蓝,长夏无冬,全城遍植椰树,四季常青,婆娑多姿。With green water and blue sky, it is summer all the year around.

渔民生活其中,渔业文化多采多姿。Fishery culture is among the most colorful in a fisherman daily life.

这个西班牙海边的渡假胜地风景美不胜收,还有多采多姿的活动。There's a wealth of things to see and do in the Spanish seaside resort.

自我国建国以来,美国穆斯林使美国丰富多姿。And since our founding, American Muslims have enriched the United States.

大千世界里,你无穷无尽地变幻,华丽多姿的姑娘。Endlessly varied art thou In the exuberant world, Lady of Manifold Magnificence.

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胸部计算机断层扫描及软式支气管镜检发现在气管下段有多姿性肿瘤。Chest ct and fiberoptic bronchoscopy revealed multiple tumors in the lower trachea.

然而等待我们的不只有旖旎多姿的梦,还有凤凰涅槃的痛。However for us not only the beautiful scene in the dream, and Phoenix Nirvana pain.

当这些星星一天天的西沉,它将是个很确切的的迹象,预示着一个绚烂多姿的晴天的来临!As these stars sink westward day by day, it's a sure sign of cooler weather to come!

而日本也致力让她的新殖民更加的多采多姿。Consequently Japan has made it her aim to increase the prosperity of her new colony.

英语文学几乎在各方面都因为爱尔兰人的作品而变得多采多姿。Virtually every aspect of English literature has been graced by the writings of the Irish.

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念了大二之后,洁茹的生活似乎更加多采多姿了。Once having begun sophomore year, Jerusha's life seemed even more full of fun and excitement.

女人就是花,一朵芬芳四溢的花,一朵妖娆多姿的花,一朵美丽的精神之花。Women are flowers, a sweet smelling flower, an enchanting flower, a beautiful spiritual flower.

在空中能制造出绚烂多姿的图案的烟火叫空中礼花弹。The fireworks that make all the brilliant, colorful designs in the sky are called aerial shells.