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不管日后如何叱咤风云,任何人都无法在年少时便预知自身的命运。No young man, no matter how great, can know his destiny.

叱咤风云的经理第1部分,让你有机会与外星人的战斗。Masterful manager part 1 gives you a chance to battle with aliens.

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所以才有今天已经可以在石油行业叱咤风云的永创公司!Therefore, she can become an important company in petroleum industry.

其他人则淡定自若,认为一个曾经叱咤风云的妄想狂终究难逃一死。Others simply shrugged at the inevitable passing of a delusional has-been.

叱咤风云的时候,时间是白金,是钻石,灿烂耀眼,光芒四射。When the hero commands the world, time is brilliant platinum, a blinding diamond.

他们是叱咤风云的人物,所以在党内、党外树立了死敌。Being masterful figures, they made bitter enemies both within and without their parties.

其实在这个更新之前,谷歌和三星已经是智能手机市场上叱咤风云的榜首人物了。Even before this update, Google and Samsung were already on top of the smartphone market.

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如果你做到这一点,你将变得很难替代,你就能够在未来的互联网领域叱咤风云。If you do this, you'll be a lot less replaceable and much more empowered in the future of the web.

这一时期培养了一批优秀的人才,其中一些在中国近现代史上成为叱咤风云的人物。Meanwhile, a group of talents grew up, some of them became the principal figures in Modern Chinese history.

叱咤风云的革命活动以及孙中山的影响促进了其民族主义思想的成熟。The revolutionary activities promoted his nationalist thought to be mature as well as Sun Yat-Sen's influence.

曾经在长三角高速公路投资大潮中叱咤风云的民营资本,正被集体清退。Highway investment in the Yangtze River Delta dominated tide of private capital, are being collectively removed.

在叱咤风云、运筹帷幄的岁月中,最让他们心动的正是那些最简单、最朴实,也最贴身的关爱。When these masterful figures command the world, what deeply moves them is the simplest, plainest and most personal care.

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每次阅读中国上下五千年历史,我都会被一位位叱咤风云的英雄所感染和折服。Every time when I read the five thousand years old chinese history, I am moved and convinced by those earthshaking heroes.

八角莲花础石,圆柱直抵飞檐,柱上撑拱为镂空雕刻,角梁立着叱咤风云的龙首和振翅欲飞的雄鹰。Supported by stone-carved lotus, the round columns support the roof and on top of it, the bean end stands dragon heads and flying eagles.

这架由CRD摩托车公司为客户改装的这辆被命名为“巧克力蛋糕”的摩托原型是1980年款的本田CB750,当年叱咤风云,深受喜爱的一款车型。This custom bike by CRD Motorcycles, dubbed “Brownie”, is built on the 1980 Honda CB750, one of the more popular and respected bikes of its era.

像田中角荣、小佐野贤治那样在政治上和事业上叱咤风云、获得巨大成功的出类拔萃的人物,仍然过早地死去。Like Tanaka, small Zuoye Xian governance as the political and career all-powerful, hugely successful outstanding figure is still too early to die.

假如你仅仅认为诺基亚在电信领域叱咤风云,那么你很可能不了解它可以追溯到1865年的多元化历史。If you thought Nokia is only one of the biggest names in telecommunications, you probably have no idea of its diverse history which dates back to 1865.

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和贝尔一样,他本来是个无名小卒,却在本赛季一跃开始成为叱咤风云的人物。而除了他以外,也只有贝尔赢得了更多热情洋溢惊掉下巴的表现的好评。Like Gareth Bale he came from nowhere to dominate football conversations this season, and only Bale has earned more rave reviews for being unexpectedly, jaw-droppingly good.

我似乎看见了婆婆年轻时叱咤风云的样子,但在一瞬间,婆婆眼中的光芒突然暗淡下去,我看到她的面容说不出的苍老。I as if saw mother-in-law is young when the earthshaking appearance, but in the flash, mother-in-law in the eye ray is suddenly gloomy, I saw her facial features cannot say old.

在美国68位白手起家在金融业叱咤风云的亿万富豪中,至少有8人的早期职业生涯是在高盛集团的投资银行、贸易和资产管理等部门度过的。Of the 68 self-made American billionaires that derive their fortunes from finance, at least eight cut their teeth in Goldman's investment banking, trading, or asset management divisions.