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请靠边停车。我快吐了。Please pull over. I'm throwing up.

帕默叫他的司机靠边停下车。Palmer has his driver to pull over.

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这辆轿车靠边行驶,让几辆公共汽车过去。The car drew in to let the buses pass.

行人靠边走。Pedestrians keep to the side of the road.

我不能靠边。这一带不能停车。I can't pull over. This is a no-parking area.

哦,我不骗你,我立刻把车子靠边停下。Well, I won't lie, I pulled that car right over.

在停车线右转后靠边停车。Pull over after you turn right at this stop sign.

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马师傅一听赶紧把车靠边,过去查看。Ma rushed to master a car sidelined , the last Show.

诚然有些车行驶的位置确实无法做到靠边让行,但有很多可以,多数人只是选择不去这么做。Some people genuinely cannot pull over. But many can.

在与泰瑞交谈时,杰克被警察要求靠边停车。As he speaks to her Jack gets pulled over by the police.

听到警笛声时,立即靠边停车。Pull over to the side of the road when you hear a siren.

二十年后,甚至最好的拳击手也要靠边站。Some 20 later, even the best pugilist has to step aside.

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在与泰瑞交谈时,杰克被警察要求靠边停车。As he speaks to her, Jack gets pulled over by the police.

杰克把车门锁上了,靠边停车,并拔出枪来对准科菲尔。Jack locks the doors, pulls over and draws his gun on the man.

巴塞罗纳、檀香山、悉尼、旧金山甚至东京,统统都要靠边站。Not Barcelona, Honolulu, Sydney, San Francisco, or even Tokyo.

一旦雷阿伦完成并抬高记录,那么显然这么候选就将靠边。Those odds will slide, obviously, once Allen is finished raising the bar.

“那你为什么还在开车?你就不能把车靠边儿停下?”调度员问她。"Why are you driving? Can you pull over somewhere?" asked the dispatcher.

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考虑到技术承诺,这也是到了蓄电池靠边站的时候了。Given the technology’s promise, it may be time for batteries to stand guard.

这是一个炎热的周日夜晚,在乌克兰南部沿海敖德萨的港口有辆小车靠边停下来了。On a hot Sunday night, a car pulls over in the port of Odessa, southern Ukraine.

罿在确保安全的情况下,尽快靠边停车,留在车内。Stop as quickly as safety permits, pull to the side of the road, and stay in the car.