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欢迎问价,比价,自定价!Welcome to ask price , parity , since the price !

对人们来说,那就是个比价器,确保东西卖得出去,it's Shopbot for people, you know, make sure things sell,

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2002年至2008年,美元比价下跌,刺激了美国的出口。The dollar’s decline during 2002-2008 helped boost U.S. exports.

在东京市场早市开盘时,美元对日元的比价急剧下跌。In early trading in Tokyo, the dollar fell sharply against the yen.

是啊,买贵重东西时要先比价再买。Yes. You should do comparison shopping when you buy big-ticket items.

难道我们要年复一年的等人民币缓慢升值到应有的比价?Are we going to wait years and years for this currency to appreciate in value?

我们还公开鼓励客户通过我们的比价链接货比三家。We also openly encourage our customers to shop around via our comparison links.

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在星期一上午开市后的交易中,欧元对美元的比价是一欧元兑换一美元41美分。In early trading Monday, the euro was trading at more than one dollar and 41 cents.

高校通过采购比价审计,可以有效地防止腐败产生,可以增加效益,减少浪费。Malversation can be eradicated effectively. And we'll increase beneficial results, and reduce loss.

挪威克郎对美元比价的上升还有可能使用美元购货价格的上升。The stronger Norwegian krone vis-a-vis the dollar is also expected to push up prices in dollar terms.

无处不在的在线比价工具,迫使所有供应商将价格压至最低限度。Ubiquitous online price comparisons force all suppliers into keeping list prices at rock bottom lines.

粮棉比价是影响农户植棉积极性的重要因素。The ratio of grain and cotton price plays an important role for influencing farms to choose planting cotton.

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星期五,日元对美元的比价达到14个月来的最高点,使得日本出口商品的价格进一步升高。Adding to Japan's woes, the yen reached a 14-month high against the dollar, making Japanese exports more expensive.

在中国的外汇流通市场,每天早上,中央银行给人民币设置了一个美元中间比价。In China’s fledgling foreign-exchange market, the central bank sets a central dollar parity for the yuan each morning.

为了解决市场法所涉及到的技术比较和比价关系确定这两个关键问题,提出两阶段技术定价方法。The two stage technology pricing method is proposed to resolve the two problems of technical evaluation and price evaluation.

Hitwise数据显示,这家比价网站的表现在新旧年份交接时期仍然领先于其它的竞争对手。According to Hitwise data, the price comparison website remained ahead of its rivals in the sector over the turn-of-year period.

而且当你有专业的下注庄家,吸引的客人多半都会比价。And when you got experts in bookmaking and the customers, the kind of customers they attract, they are rather price discriminative.

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本周,遭受重创的英镑与欧元的比价跌至一个新的最低记录,并迅速的直接导致现金遭受同样的现实。This week, the stricken pound tumbled to a new record low against the euro, and is rapidly heading towards parity with the currency.

上周,Google宣布尝试在Google地图上推出酒店比价功能,引起了旅游业界一定的反响。Google first stirred up a bit of a storm in the travel sector last week, when they announced a trial of hotel price listings in Google Maps.

在许多国家,证券市场都在下跌。美元对欧元和日圆的比价已经下降到创记录的低点。石油和黄金价格则上升到新的高位。Stock prices are down in many countries, the dollar has hit record lows against the euro and the yen, and oil and gold prices have hit new highs.