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贝蒂建议在校刊中包含什么?。What does Betty in the school magazine?

本学年校刊将于五月二十日出刊。The yearbook will be published on May 20.

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我喜欢你在校刊上的文章。怎么做?I like your articles in the school magazine.

我正在为高中校刊写篇东西。I'm writing a story for the high-school paper.

我喜欢读你在校刊上的文章。I enjoyed reading your articles in the school magazine.

海报制作,校刊发表,网页设计。Posters produced, School magazine published, Web design.

我很高兴在校刊上读到你写的“什么最酷”的文章。I enjoyed reading your "What's cool?" article in the school magazine.

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露西想为校刊写一篇与侦探有关的文章。Lucy wanted to write an article on detectives for the school newspaper.

就学期间我是大学校刊世界新闻的编辑。In college, I was editor of the World News section of my university’s paper.

假设你为校刊写了篇有趣又富创意的文章。Suppose you write an interesting and original story for your school magazine.

坐在玛丽和约翰之间的年轻人是我们校刊的编辑。The young man sitting between Mary and John is the editor of our campus newspaper.

我是校刊的一名记者,我想知道是什么促使你成立旅游社团的。I'm a reporter of our college journal. I want to know what made you organize a travel club.

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你为什么不参加课外活动呢?例如社团、校刊或是球队。Why don't you join an extracurricular activity, such as a club, the school newspaper, or a team?

这里有1000名中国学生,每人都交了一大笔学费,校刊的做法是对他们的侮辱。There are 1000 Chinese students here who spend a lot of money to study here and this is an insult.

我们这里坐着很多出类拔萃的新闻记者,我把你们看作是我的同行,因为我曾经也为校刊写过文章。We have many distinguished journalists here, whom I consider as my peers because I used to write for campus newspaper.

为了表扬他舍己为人的精神,学校校刊发了专版报道他的事迹。The school published a special report with a whole page about his deeds, to praise his spirit of sacrifice for the sake of others.

我的作品经常被登刊在校刊上,而且曾才一次有关法律征文的比赛中获得了三等奖。My works have been published on school magazines frequently. I have also won the Third Prize in a law articles composition contest.

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这一个代表一校刊。该杂志已经发挥并继续发挥在促进新的人才为儿童写作的作用。This one represent a school magazine. The magazine has played and continues to play a role in fostering new talent in writing for children.

快速浏览官方发布新闻及校刊报道可以发现,今年几所著名院校和大学的录取率再创新低。A quick scan of official news releases and student newspaper reports found lower admission rates this year at several prominent colleges and universities.

有天我不知道在读什么的时候,那时候还没有博客或者推特,所以肯定是Princetonian校刊什么的。In one day I was reading, whatever I was reading at that time There are no blogs or twitters or anything else, it must have been the Princetonian or something.