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把密探带走。Take the spy.

先生是个密探吧?Are you a police spy, sir?

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那密探盯那妇人的梢。The spy dodged with the lady.

这位是特别密探强森。This is Special Agent Johnson.

在那儿有我们的密探。We-- we've got our spies in there.

“是个密探么?”克朗彻问。"Was He a spy?" asked Mr. Cruncher.

密探发现我们了,我们最好还是躲起来。The spy is onto us,we'd better hide.

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她以为你们全是她丈夫的密探。She thinks you are all spies for her husband.

竟然认为冰激淋小贩都是密探。He thinks ice cream vendors are secret agents.

事实上,作为”密探“的他对别人是很有帮助的。Indeed, he’s helpful to the field as a provacteur.

我提到我是个练习有素的密探了吗?Did I mention that I'm a well-trained secret agent?

我提到我是个训练有素的密探了吗?Did I mention that I'm a well-trained secret agent?

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我提到我是个培训锻炼锻炼有素的密探了吗?Did I mention these I'm a good-trained secret agent?

你在王党里潜伏密探有多久了?。How long have you had agents amongst the Royalist party?

珀西瓦尔爵士的密探一直在监视我的行踪。Sir Percival's spies were not going to lose sight of me.

他指控一位德高望重的西班牙籍CICIG密探是间谍。He accused a highly regarded Spanish CICIG agent of being a spy.

在米兰火车站的月台上,她被两个盖世太保密探抓住了。She was seized on a Milan station platform by two Gestapo agents.

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“你的意思是不愿意说么,先生?”密探迟疑不决地问。"Do you mean that you won't say, sir?" the spy irresolutely asked.

“时间不多了,埃佛瑞蒙德,”密探用警告的口气说。"The time is short, Evremonde, " said the Spy, in a warning voice.

一组CICIG密探仔细搜索了罗森博格的犯罪现场,找到了一些线索。A team of CICIG agents scoured the Rosenberg crime scene for clues.