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可是羔羊的疥癣应当使牧羊人却步吗?。Still, should the scab of the sheep cause the shepherd to recoil?

那狗长着疥癣,饥饿不堪,大小跟那团湿漉漉的东西一样。He was mangy and starving and just the size of the lump in question.

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那狗长着疥癣,饥饿不堪,大小跟那团湿漉漉的东西一样。He was mangy10 and starving and just the size of the lump in question.

患疥癣的受疥癣影响的,或由疥癣导致的,或类似于疥癣的。Any of several infections of the skin, such as ringworm, caused by fungi.

主要目标是在第14天消除皮肤损伤和疥癣。The primary endpoint was the disappearance of skin lesions and itching at day 14.

可用治肝炎、胃十二指肠溃疡、白带、泻痢、口舌生疮、疮痔疥癣、水火虫伤。It can cure hepatitis, gastroduodenal ulcer, leucorrhea, dysentery and sore in the mouth.

除此之外,兽疥癣让督伊德狼群身上的毛脱落严重,这一方面和其它许多狼群一样。And like many packs, the Druids are suffering serious hair loss from an epidemic of mange.

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它半个身子长满疥癣,它那耷拉的耳朵简直成了满是烂疮的没毛的两块肉片。Half his body was covered with mange. His floppy ears were just hairless pieces of flesh dotted with open sores.

它半个身子长满疥癣,它那耷拉的耳朵简直成了满是烂疮的没毛的两块肉片。Half his body was covered with mange. His floppy15 ears were just hairless pieces of flesh dotted with open sores.

原先,人们发现卡西迪在大街上流浪过活,它满身疥癣,皮包骨头,而且只有三条腿,很明显是遭人遗弃的。Cassidy was originally found living in the streets — mangy, bony and apparently abandoned and with only three legs.

虽然体毛蓬乱、疥癣满身、秃斑处处,他仍是汤姆放学回家第一个要过问的东西。And although ragged, mangy and bald in patches, he's been the first thing Tom asks after when he gets home from school.

我把手放在它肩上,它长着疥癣的尾巴有气无力地拍了一下不锈钢检查桌。I put my hand on the dog's shoulder. His mangy tail thumped28 weakly against the stainless steel table. I sighed loudly.

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这些收容所先引诱你进入,设法让你动心,然后把你拖住,运用一种阴险的计谋,将那些长满疥癣的、没人会看上眼的狗儿卖给你。The shelters lured you in, put you off, and wore you down, with a sinister plan to palm off the mangiest, least desirable dogs they had left.

我把手放在它肩上,它长着疥癣的尾巴有气无力地拍了一下不锈钢检查桌。我深深叹口气说,“它有个家。”I put my hand on the dog's shoulder. His mangy tail thumped weakly against the stainless steel table. I sighed loudly. " He's got a home, " I said.

我把手放在它肩上,它长着疥癣的尾巴有气无力地拍了一下不锈钢检查桌。我深深叹口气说,“它有个家。”I put my hand on the dog's shoulder. His mangy tail thumped28 weakly against the stainless steel table. I sighed loudly. " He's got a home, " I said.