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公司斥资引进瑞士片梭织机,整经机。We have advanced looms and warping machine from Switzerland.

该协会斥资上百万元给医改计划做广告宣传。PhRMA is spending millions on advertising to support the plan.

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为了迎接农历新年,我父母斥资为家人房间添购新家具。For the Lunar New Year, my parents splurged on new furniture for our family's bedrooms.

交易员称,以单日斥资金额来看,日本政府周一干预汇市的力度是前所未有的。Traders said Tokyo hit the market with its largest single-day round of intervention on Monday.

广州为了迎接2010年第16届亚运会而斥资建造了广州塔。The Canton Tower in Guangzhou was built for the opening of the 16th annual Asian Games in November 2010.

我想起了为找到解决寄生性杂草的办法,洛克菲勒基金会斥资进行的生物科学研究。I thought about the biotech research that the Rockefeller Foundation had funded to find a solution to Striga.

2005年公司斥资建立全国第一条水性漆全自动化生产流水线,年产能达20万吨。In 2005, the company expands water-based paint 1 automation production lines, the annual output reaches 20 tons.

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他斥资投放广告,并雇佣了许多曾经为基什内尔工作的市场商人。He is spending a record sum on advertising, and has hired many of the marketeers who worked for Mr Kirchner in the past.

张欣说,2011年,SOHO中国斥资人民币114亿元在上海收购楼盘,全部都是商业楼盘。Soho, Ms. Zhang said, has spent 11.4 billion yuan in 2011 making property acquisitions in Shanghai, all of it commercial.

和去年很多印度公司动辄斥资几十亿美元在国内和海外的大举并购相比,这是个很大的变化。It is a huge change from last year when Indian companies spent billions of dollars on acquisitions both at home and overseas.

但是,接受这个统一标准可以帮助这些州进入奥巴马总统指出的对学校进行改革的斥资40亿美元的“冲顶计划”竞赛。But acceptance helped states that entered President Obama's four-billion-dollar "Race to the Top" competition for school reform.

联邦政府还将斥资数十亿美元推广太阳能、风能和生物能,同时逐渐淘汰污染严重的热电厂。Billions of federal dollars would promote solar, wind and biomass energy, while dirty coal power could be priced out of business.

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为率先成为被国际市场认可的印度品牌,塔塔集团计划再斥资数十亿美元进军海外市场。Tata Group is set to place more multibillion-dollar bets in its bid to become one of the first globally recognized Indian brands.

这位女士递上了一封来自中国国企中石油的书信,信上提出该石油巨头愿斥资数十亿美元收购这家公司。She delivered a letter from Sinopec, one of China's giant, state-controlled energy firms, proposing a multibillion-dollar takeover.

政府斥资数十亿建造一个新的国际机场,一条新的地铁线并对肮脏的新德里公路进行了美化。The government spent billions on a new international airport, additional metro lines and fresh landscaping along dingy Delhi roads.

智利总统塞瓦斯蒂安·皮涅拉9日宣布,将斥资数亿美元改善监狱系统条件。President of Chile, Sebastian Pinera 9 announced it would spend hundreds of millions of dollars to improve the conditions of the prison system.

2015年内完成的五年计划中,这个国家将斥资2.8万亿元人民币,将主线铁路轨道总长增至12万千米。The nation's mainline rail network is set to reach 120,000 kilometers under a 2.8 trillion yuan, five-year investment plan running through 2015.

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佐立克说,这次中国的一揽子刺激方案特点有刺激消费者的措施,包括在社会福利事业斥资更多。This time, says Mr Zoellick, China’s stimulus package also features measures to encourage consumers, including more spending on social services.

2015年内完成的五年计划中,这个国家将斥资2.8万亿元人民币,将主线铁路轨道总长增至12万千米。The nation's mainline rail network is set to reach 120, 000 kilometers under a 2.8 trillion yuan, five-year investment plan running through 2015.

这家总部位于阿肯色州本顿维尔的公司斥资数十亿美元在中国建立一个帝国,目前在中国121个城市有近350家门店。The Bentonville, Ark., company is spending billions of dollars to erect an empire in the country and now has nearly 350 stores in 121 Chinese cities.