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教廷外交几乎同教皇的职位一样古老。Papal diplomacy is almost as old as the papacy.

但是,反对人工辅助受孕则是教廷的正式立场。But opposition to assisted conception is official papal policy.

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这就像派一个主教成员去监督罗马教廷。That's like sending an Episcopalian to oversee the Vatican for 20 years.

在罗马教廷,佛朗哥说,诺伊斯的评论已明显触及“痛处”。Noyes' comments have clearly touched a "raw nerve" at the Holy See, Franco said.

保罗也改组教廷,并以强烈的和平和社会正义。Paul also reorganized the curia and spoke strongly for peace and social justice.

教廷的队长曾白费力气地试图说服妻子留下不去。The papal captain have vainly endeavoured to induce his wife to remain behind him.

他有力地抨击罗马教廷僭越权限和腐化败坏的行为。With convincing power he portrayed the usurpation and corruptions of the papal see.

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如果中国想要任命他们的主教,那他们就是在发展他们自己的教廷。If China wants to ordain it's own bishops, then they're just starting their own church.

在罗马,教宗本笃十六世任命女性出掌教廷高职位,这是前所未有的。In Rome, Pope Benedict XVI has placed women in unprecedented levels of curial authority.

教廷被迫在梵蒂冈成为意大利境内的一个独立国家。The Vatican was compelled, to establish an independent country, within the boundary of Italy.

亨利需要很多钱来支持他在威尔士和法国的战争,以及罗马教廷的改革。Henry needed more money for his wars against Wales and France, and to support a papal crusade.

弗朗西斯科把他的兴趣转向了伦巴第,勃拉其奥则去反对教廷和那不勒斯王国了。Francesco turned his ambition to Lombardy, Braccio against theChurch and the Kingdom of Naples.

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罗马教廷已经警告参加受任仪式的三个女牧师是可被逐出教会的。The Vatican has warned that women taking part in ordination ceremonies could be excommunicated.

声明说,根据教廷法规,凡是未经教皇批准的祝圣主教都会被自动革除教籍。It says that under Canon Law, excommunication is automatic for ordinations without papal approval.

2005年4月24日,教皇本尼狄克十六世在梵蒂冈就职,成为罗马天主教教廷的最高领袖。Pope Benedict XVI was installed as leader of the Roman Catholic Church in cermonies at the Vatican.

拉斐尔以画圣母像和罗马教廷里的大幅作品而闻名。Raphael is best known for his Madonnas and for his large figure compositions in the Vatican in Rome.

到目前为止,除了安道尔共和国、罗马教廷和美国以外所有国家均同意参与此协定。By now, all nations have agreed to participate except for Andorra, the Holy See and the United States.

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我们从教廷如何对待伽利略就可看出他们对于科学性的新发现是多麽的恐惧。The best example of their conservativeness would probably be the case of how they had treated Galileo.

原为热那亚方济会修士,通过买卖圣职圣物和收取高额税收而使家庭和教廷国致富。A Franciscan from Genoa, he enriched his family and the Papal States through simony and heavy taxation.

她很快得到了梵蒂冈教廷的赞美,她的工作和成就与德蕾莎修女相媲美。She was immediately praised by the Vatican, her work and achievement likened to those of Mother Teresa.